Synaptic plasticity at different brain regions


Synaptic plasticity Mapa Mental sobre Synaptic plasticity at different brain regions, criado por Cher Bachar em 04-05-2013.
Cher Bachar
Mapa Mental por Cher Bachar, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Cher Bachar
Criado por Cher Bachar quase 12 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Synaptic plasticity at different brain regions
  1. Hippoampus
    1. DG
      1. CA3
        1. CA1
        2. Prefrontal
          1. Cerebellum
            1. STP
              1. structural
                1. LTP
                  1. LTD


                  Developmental plasticity
                  Cher Bachar
                  Expression of LTP
                  Cher Bachar
                  General synaptic platicity
                  Cher Bachar
                  mGluR LTD
                  Cher Bachar
                  Structural plasticity
                  Cher Bachar
                  Techniques in synaptic plasticity
                  Cher Bachar
                  Ca in short-term plasticity
                  Cher Bachar
                  Synaptic plasticity
                  Cher Bachar
                  Induction of LTP
                  Cher Bachar
                  Modulation of LTP
                  Cher Bachar