Analysis of Environments and DOFA


Analys for primark and how would be them strategies in market
sebastian  navarro
Mapa Mental por sebastian navarro , atualizado more than 1 year ago
sebastian  navarro
Criado por sebastian navarro aproximadamente 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Analysis of Environments and DOFA
  1. Internal environment
    1. External environment
      1. Microenvironment
        1. suppliers
          1. it is important knew to who we will have tow our side for the organization all our goals
          2. customers
            1. customer satisfaction os the most important because they move the company and nothing like offering them an excellent service
            2. competitors
              1. of well raised strategy we can generate change and keep us at the forefront of the competition
            3. Macroenvironment
              1. Technology
                1. we find several reasons why the sector helps us to the premises of the store, because if we implement of strategy of purchasing, we will archive greater acceptance by the customers.
                2. Policy
                  1. the fulfillment of all the taxes and rules of the state would make us an important company in the business
                  2. environment
                    1. on of the most important parts because of this depends a good functioning on our social responsibility
                  3. Opportunities
                    1. Takes into account the biggest opportunity in the sector and it is the low cost as this has been the greatest potential that has been see in Europe
                    2. Threats
                      1. If we analyze we know that with the arrival to the market the competition is going to be attacked by the low cost so that will arise strategies to mitigate the threats in the market that affect us
                    3. Strengths
                      1. "low cost" it presents a great advantage with respect to the competitors, as it offers a product of good quality that achieves the customer satisfaction and in such a way the company also achieves its goals
                      2. Weakness
                        1. the use of strategies is important since this depends an impact on the environment because we faced with not having a good acceptability on the part the customers and throughout the market
                      3. DOFA
                        1. OPPORTUNITIES
                          1. 1 - make acceptability in the market
                            1. 2 - localice a place where the person had the possibility of found best products that the competition.
                              1. 3 - realice a analysis of the clothes and products the get attention of the customers
                                1. 4 - analysis of the shopping center for the build of primark
                          2. WEAKNESS
                            1. 1- preference of brands for the customers.
                              1. 2- major management of sizes for the girls and boys in Colombian
                                1. 3 - major capacity of operation, for that the competition not had the opportunities in this prices.
                                  1. 4 - had caution for the quality of the clothes, not would exist nothing part wrong
                            2. THREATS
                              1. 1 - utility major part of the benefits that the company had for create new strategies
                                1. 2 - make that the society looking the change of the news styles.
                                  1. 3 - take advantage of the opportunies and not fallen in the competition
                                    1. 4 - be cautious with the strategies, because the competition in the market of clothes is aggressive
                              2. STRENGTHS
                                1. 1- major impact on the market for "low cost".
                                  1. 2- achieve an excellent service in the process to offer an support for purchases of customers.
                                    1. 3- proved a quality service for build an environment of culture in the persons.
                                      1. 4- create a pleasant environment for the consultants who working in the store.


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