Threats to Data


Mapa Mental sobre Threats to Data, criado por georgemartin235 em 03-04-2014.
Mapa Mental por georgemartin235, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por georgemartin235 mais de 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Threats to Data
  1. Idnetity Theft
    1. When someone steals your personal data and uses them to pretend to be you to get credit, apply for documents etc.
    2. Malware
      1. A hostile, intrusive or annoying piece of software or program
      2. Opportunist Threats
        1. People who find an unattended computer and try to view or steal what they can
        2. Hacking
          1. Unauthorised access to computer data with or without malicious internet
          2. Phishing
            1. Sending fake emails asking users to input password and security information in a bid to steal money
            2. Accidental Damage
              1. Natural Disaster, Mischief or Accidental damage
              2. Physical Barriers
                1. Locking workstations, offices etc.
                2. Password Control
                  1. Password conventions to ensure they are strong, regular forced changing
                  2. Back up and Recovery
                    1. Storing a safe copy of the data, reugularly updated and away from the original. Can do full back up or incrimental back up.
                    2. Access levels
                      1. Set to allow individuals to access only a specific level of an application.
                      2. Encryption
                        1. Data is coded so that only the person with the key can unlock the code
                        2. Firewall
                          1. This monitors data arriving at the computer and leaving and stops anything unwanted.
                          2. Anti-Virus Software
                            1. Set up to intercept computer viruses before they do any damage . Can isolate viruses, remove and sometimes repair


                            Português - Gramática
                            Nikita Northman
                            Princípios Administrativos (implícitos)
                            Interpretação de Texto
                            Renata Luana
                            Português concurso
                            Roberta Souza
                            Princípios do Direito Tributário
                            Jessica Midori
                            Conteúdo Geral Edital - Auditor Fiscal - Receita Federal
                            Alessandra S.
                            Contabilidade de Custos - Apresentação
                            Eduardo Larica Wanderley
                            PLANEJAMENTO DE LÍNGUA PORTUGUESA 2018 - 2ª ETAPA
                            Adriana Marcia Couto Poletti
                            Organização Básica da Marinha
                            Alan Amanthea