Entrenches Bill of rights would be "higher Law" -
would be basis for Constitutional Judicial Review
Legislative difficulties of a Bill?
UK supreme court is subject to the
principle of Parliamentary soverinty
It is not gudain of the constitution
The only court to challenge the authorty of Parliament is the European
Court of Justice - this interpets law and applies EU laws and treaties
The European Court of Justice is separt
from the European Court of Human Rights
What has a "bill" meant
for the parties?
Conseratives have called for a "British" Bill of Rights to
replace the HRA - this is revisited and weakened version
Revisited because it would not be
based on the European Conention
Weakened because it the sense that it may no
longer be used to call other legislation into questin
What might the impact of a bill be?
Have profound
civil liberties
An entrenched bill of rights would end to the current battle between Judges and Ministers
over which rights should be upheld and in what cirumstances. Entrenchment would give
designated individual rights unchallengeable legal authority
the judiciary
Such a bill of rights would
substantailly widen its role and
increase its political significance
Judges interpretation
of an entrenched bill of
rights would be final
the larger
political systen
An entrenched bill of rights would alter not only the balance of power between
and amgoust the branches of government, but it would also alter the political
culture by creating a greater awarness of individual rights and freedoms
Rule by Judges
A bil of rights would, as in the USA,
turn judges into policy-makers
This would lead to "judicial tyranny"
as judges would be able both to
make Laws and to interpret them.
Vital checks and balances in the political
system would therefore be undermined
An exoanded role for the judiciary is particularly undesirable
becasue judges are unelected and also socially unrepresenative
As judges become more
powerful, the political pressure on
them will inevitably increase
Systems in which judges apply higher law usally
struggle to maintain judicial independence
Judges find it difficult to stand outside the political areana
when their rulings have far-reaching policy implications
A "rights culture"
A bill of rights would merely
strengthen tendencies already
fostered by the HRA
Citizens would become increasingly
aware of their rights whilst ignoring their
civic duties and broader responsibilities
Individual and minority rights would therfore be emphaized at
the expense of the wider needs of the community, including
the maintenance of public order and social cohesion
Artificial rights
Bills of rights are created by legal and
constitutional experts, based on abstract
principles such as human rights
They do not benefit from the wisdom of history and tradtion,
unlike the rigths that are enshrined in common law
Once applied, articifical rights often have implications
quite different from the expectations of their creators
Accountable govt
Entrenched bill ensure government is
based on laws, not on wishes of minsters.
An established higher laws is only
way that rules will be upheld.
This will improve trust and
confidence in government
Liberty protected
Bill of Rights provides a clear and final definition
of the relationship between individual and state
Civil liberties would no longer be determined by battles between
rival branches in govt over which rights are more important
Civil liberty would stand above
the executive and Parliament
Educational benefits
Strengthen awareness of rights and individual
freedoms throughout the political system.
Citizens would have a better understanding of
rights that constitutionally "belong" to them
Politicians and public officials would be reminded
of the need to act inline with individual rights
Consensus on rights
The foundations for a bill of rights already exists
within UK (European Convention and HRA).
There is a broad consensus about
liberties any Bill of Rights should protect
Therefore, its introduction would
be smoother and less controversial
Why is it on the agenda
Specify rights and
freedoms of individual
Supreme Court is subject to
Parliamentary sovereignty
It is not guardian of
the constitution
Only court to challenge parliament
is the European Court of Justice
All parties willing to
support UK bill of right
Labour referred to a UK bill of rights and
responsibilities. To enhance the HRA - an
approach supported by the Lib Dem's
Conservative have called for a British
bill of Rights to repeal the HRA
Revised because it wouldn't be
based on the European Convention
Weakened by not being able to call
into question other pieces of legislation