Traumas: Causes and Effects


This is a mind map of the traumas in "The Boy Who was Raised as a Dog."
Mapa Mental por tiffany.ingle, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por tiffany.ingle quase 11 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Traumas: Causes and Effects
  1. Tina's Sexual Abuse
    1. Causes
      1. Poverty
        1. Single Mom
          1. No childcare
            1. Needed cheap childcare
              1. Neighbor babysat
                1. Babysitter left Tina and Brother alone with 16-year-old son
                  1. Tina was abused
                    1. Neither mom or babysitter noticed
                      1. Poverty, stress, and lack of childcare options = 2 years
      2. Effects
        1. behavior was very sexual
          1. her brain developed differently that people in a non-abusive situation
      3. Sandy's mother's murder
        1. 1. Davidian Children's life environment: sexual abuse, stress, fear,
          1. 2. Davidian Children's families and friends dying
          2. Laura not having enough physical contact as a baby
            1. Causes
              1. Effects


              Medidas e Medições
              Alessandra S.
              Guia de Estudos para OAB 1a Fase
              Maria José
              Gramática - Fonologia - Quiz I
              tiago meira de almeida
              Viviana Veloso
              Combate a incêndio - capítulo quatro - 1
              willian reis
              Física moderna
              Vitoria Sefner
              Engenharia de Software
              Gabriel Alexandre
              CF - Direitos Políticos (positivos e negativos)
              Thay Viegas
              Recursos hídricos
              Homero Borba
              Citações para Redação - ENEM
              Jayne Torres