Ahmed Frequent Infections


Mapa Mental sobre Ahmed Frequent Infections, criado por Menna Emam em 10-12-2016.
Menna Emam
Mapa Mental por Menna Emam, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Menna Emam
Criado por Menna Emam quase 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Ahmed Frequent Infections
  1. Immunodeficiency
    1. Characteristic
      1. Recurrent Infections
        1. Such as
          1. Persistent bacterial Infections
            1. Hematological
              1. Opportunistic Infections
                1. Mainly
                  1. Candidas (oral thrush)
                    1. Forms
                      1. White Plaques
                      2. Caused by
                        1. Candida Albicana
                          1. Treatment
                            1. Anti-fungal Durgs
                  2. Gastrointestinal
              2. Treated by
                1. Gene Therapy
                  1. BMT
                    1. has
                      1. Infection management
                        1. done
                          1. Pre/Post Transplant
                        2. Ethical guidelines
                          1. Importantly
                            1. Constant
                              1. Without infecting harm
                          2. Requires
                            1. Immunosuppressive therapy
                              1. Mainly
                                1. Corticosteroids
                                  1. Cause
                                    1. Arterial Hypertension
                              2. Donor Selection
                                1. Based on
                                  1. ABO typing
                                    1. HLA Typing
                                      1. Reduces
                                        1. Graft Vs. Host rejection
                                  2. Revaccination
                                    1. at least
                                      1. A year post transplant
                                        1. Selective
                                          1. Specific vaccines , doses & Routines
                                            1. Due to
                                              1. Immunocompromised state
                              3. Can be
                                1. Secondary
                                  1. Primary
                                    1. Such as
                                      1. SCID
                                        1. is
                                          1. Fatal combined absence of T-lymphocyte & B-Lymphocyte function
                                          2. Including
                                            1. X-SCID
                                              1. Results
                                                1. Low T & NK cells with increased B cells
                                                  1. Due to mutation of gamma chain of IL-2 receptor
                                                2. Reticular Dysgenesis
                                                  1. Caused by
                                                    1. Absence of Myeloid & Lymphoid cells
                                                      1. Leads to
                                                        1. Few WBC
                                                  2. ADA Deficiency
                                                    1. Leads to
                                                      1. Accumulation of toxic by products with lymphocytes
                                                    2. JAK3 Deficiency
                                                      1. Mutation in Janus Kinase Enzyme
                                                    3. Diagnosed
                                                      1. Either
                                                        1. Prenatal
                                                          1. Through
                                                            1. Amniocentesis
                                                              1. Chronic Villus Sampling
                                                            2. Postnatal
                                                              1. Through
                                                                1. Skin Anergy test
                                                                  1. Lateral Neck X-ray
                                                                    1. Check
                                                                      1. Adenoid Tissue
                                                                        1. Lymph Node
                                                              2. Clinical Presentation
                                                                1. Infections
                                                                  1. Mainly
                                                                    1. Gut
                                                                      1. Tract
                                                                    2. Diarrhea
                                                                      1. Failure to thrive
                                                                        1. Thrush
                                                              3. Connor Counseling & consent
                                                                1. Should Include
                                                                  1. Assurance that the potential donor is willing to donate, free from inducement
                                                                    1. A determination that the potential donor understands that he or she will undertake several risks
                                                                      1. Medical Risks
                                                                        1. Scar
                                                                          1. Pain
                                                                            1. Fatigue
                                                                            2. Psychosocial Risks
                                                                              1. Financial Risks
                                                                          2. Bone Marrow Transplant
                                                                            1. is
                                                                              1. Soft, Spongy tissue found inside the bones
                                                                              2. Why
                                                                                1. Relapsed disease
                                                                                  1. Non-functioning bone marrow with a healthy functioning one
                                                                                    1. Regenerate a new Immune system


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