Senior Lecturing


A mind-map for my research strategy in the coming 5 years.
Amr Mahfouz
Mapa Mental por Amr Mahfouz, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Amr Mahfouz
Criado por Amr Mahfouz aproximadamente 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Senior Lecturing
  1. Teaching and Learning
    1. Curriculum Development and Design
      1. Innovative Assessment
        1. Educational Methodologies
          1. e-Learning
            1. Student Placement
              1. Leadership in Quality Enhancement
                1. Programe Review
                  1. scholarly activity in pedagogy
                    1. scholarly output
                    2. Research
                      1. Publications
                        1. Academic Netwroking
                          1. Attending Academic Conferences
                            1. Research Visits
                              1. Joint publications
                                1. Invite academic partners for collaborative research and educational activities
                                  1. Be familiar with European intiatives for research and academic collaborations
                                  2. Writting Training
                                    1. Collecting Empirical Data
                                      1. Recruiting PhD Students
                                        1. Membership of Editorial Boards
                                        2. Research Fund
                                          1. Educate myself with National and International fund opportunities
                                            1. Attend Information session
                                              1. Improve my academic and industrial netwrok
                                              2. Research Activity in Pedagogy
                                                1. External Examining of PhD
                                                2. Research Involvement
                                                  1. participation and leadership in research centre
                                                  2. Consultancy/Commissions
                                                    1. Industrial Netwrok
                                                      1. Master projects supervision
                                                        1. Teaching in Executive programs
                                                          1. Attending Industrial Conferences
                                                            1. Develop and publish case studies and technical reports
                                                            2. Solution Tools
                                                              1. Mastering Simulation Models
                                                          2. Engagement
                                                            1. creation of corporate partnerships
                                                              1. development of Erasmus and other partnership programmes
                                                                1. services to the corporate sector
                                                                  1. joint research programmes with external stakeholders
                                                                    1. initiation of community engagement initiatives and projects,
                                                                    2. Contribution to DIT
                                                                      1. prominent role in an Institute wide committee
                                                                        1. student exchange programmes
                                                                          1. Participation in developing quality assurance arrangements
                                                                            1. contributing to the positive reputation of DIT
                                                                              1. contributing to the positive student experience
                                                                              2. Internationalisation
                                                                                1. involvement in international teaching
                                                                                  1. development of international curricula learning outcomes and experience for students.


                                                                                  April Entry Project: Writing research questions
                                                                                  Rachel Elmslie
                                                                                  Writing a purpose statement
                                                                                  Rachel Elmslie
                                                                                  Toni Nursey
                                                                                  Media theories and audience research
                                                                                  Chloe Cotterill
                                                                                  Third Space Academia
                                                                                  Schizophrenia Research and Evidence
                                                                                  front end developer test
                                                                                  joni jiniani
                                                                                  Qualitative Research Final Exam
                                                                                  Courtney Westerberg
                                                                                  Ren Curry
                                                                                  Bullying: Theories
                                                                                  Maisie Rose Woodward
                                                                                  RRM MCQ 2