Outbrain Click Prediction


This is used to store all information regarding to "Outbrain Click Prediction" from Kaggle.com
Hai Truong
Mapa Mental por Hai Truong, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Hai Truong
Criado por Hai Truong aproximadamente 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Outbrain Click Prediction
  1. Q1 - clicked distribution by locations
    1. data
    2. datasets
      1. documents_categories.csv
        1. 32.34 MB
        2. clicks_test.csv
          1. 135.43 MB
          2. clicks_train.csv
            1. 389.75 MB
              1. fields
                1. display_id
                  1. ad_id
                    1. clicked (0/1)
                    2. a set of ads was clicked
                    3. page_views.csv
                      1. 29.71 GB
                        1. fields
                          1. uuid
                            1. document_id
                              1. timestamp
                                1. platform
                                  1. geo_location (country>state>DMA)
                                    1. traffic_source
                                      1. internal = 1
                                        1. search = 2
                                          1. social = 3
                                        2. a the log of users visiting documents
                                        3. events.csv
                                          1. information on the display_id context
                                            1. fields
                                              1. display_id
                                                1. uuid
                                                  1. document_id
                                                    1. timestamp
                                                      1. platform
                                                        1. geo_location
                                                      2. promoted_content.csv
                                                        1. details on the ads
                                                          1. ad_id
                                                            1. 2.52 MB
                                                              1. document_id
                                                                1. campaign_id
                                                                  1. advertiser_id


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