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AQA Sociology- Education (Social Class)
internal and external factors
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Aruba Darr
, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por
Aruba Darr
quase 8 anos atrás
Resumo de Recurso
AQA Sociology- Education (Social Class)
External Factors
Cultural deprivation
language (Bernstein)
elaborated speech code
middle class
advantage because its used by teachers, exams and textbooks
restricted speech code
working class
underachieve because they have limited vocabulary and feel excluded
subculture values (Hyman & Sugarman)
W/C attitudes
immediate gratification
present time oreintation
M/C attitudes
self control
deferred gratification
future time orientated
Bordieu: cultural and economic capital advantages for M/C children
A lack of knowledge, attitudes and languages required to succeed in education
Material deprivation
A lack of money to buy resources and to have a decent standard of living
Flaherty: money problems within the family where a significant factor in younger children's school non-attendence
truancy and exclusion more likely for children that are deprived, truants usually leave school early with no qualifications
nearly 90% of failing schools are located in deprived areas
Howard: poverty and poor diet
Wilkinson: poor homes and hyperactivity
bill: cost of education
Marketisation & Parental choice (gerwitz)
compensatory education
operation head start (USA)
sure start (UK)
Internal Factors
labelling theory; interactionism (Becker)
interviewed 60 chicago high school
ideal pupil
self fulfilling prophecy
keddie: unequal access to classroom knowledge
rosenthal and jackobson : teachers expectation
rist: labelling primary schools
pupil subcultures
lacey:diferentiation, polarisation
balls: setting and streaming
hargreaves: pro school subculture and anti-school subculture
banding,setting and streaming; becker, douglas and hargreaves
marketisation and selection policies
bartlett: cream skimming and silt shifting
gillborn and youdell: the A-C economy
triage system
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