Webern - Quartet Op. 22: Mvt 1


A Levels Music (Instrumental) Mapa Mental sobre Webern - Quartet Op. 22: Mvt 1, criado por wi11mcd em 08-04-2014.
Mapa Mental por wi11mcd, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por wi11mcd quase 11 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Webern - Quartet Op. 22: Mvt 1
  1. Instruments and forces
    1. • Webern uses unusual group of instruments to aid in creation of klangfarbenmelodie
      1. • Various technical markings for violin part, e.g. use of Dämpfer – bar 1, and often rapid changes beteen pizz and arco – bar 23
        1. • Dynamics change often, but are mostly very quiet e.g. pp at bar 2
          1. • Wide leaps in the clarinet – e.g. bar 16
            1. • Violin has a 3.5 octave range – lowest note at bar 16 – highest at bar 22
              1. • Piano plays in 2 part texture throughout the piece
                1. • Changes of clef e.g. bars 28-29
                2. Structure
                  1. • Piece is in sonata form with no second subject
                    1. • There is a 5 bar introduction and a coda to end, beginning at bar 39
                      1. • Traditional tonal aspect to the structure has been replaced by serial technique
                        1. • Piece made up of tone rows with octave displacement
                          1. • Prime row doesn’t start until bar 6
                            1. • Beginning of each section is highlighted by rit… a tempo markings e.g. bar 6
                            2. Melody
                              1. • Melody created from tone row, with use of octave displacement e.g. bars 22-23 in violin part
                                1. • Disjunct melody melody with wide leaps with are often angular
                                  1. • Use of klangfarbenmelodie to add colour to melody
                                    1. • Palindrome (same but backwards) of beginning a bars 24-26 and 39-42
                                      1. • Large range, especially in violin part – 3.5 octave range lowest note at bar 16 – highest at bar 22
                                        1. • Wide leaps in clarinet part e.g. bar 16
                                        2. Rhythm
                                          1. • 4 rhythmic patterns for entire piece all of which are found within the first 3 bars
                                            1. Idea taken from Bach
                                            2. • Rapid changes of metre bars 16-24
                                              1. • Metre is masked by syncopation – e.g. bar 22
                                                1. • Coda – momentum slowed by pauses
                                                  1. • Beginning of each section is highlighted by rit… a tempo markings e.g. bar 6
                                                    1. • Augmentation of original rhythmic patterns e.g. bar 35
                                                    2. Harmony
                                                      1. • Range of different types of tone rows: prime, transposed, inversions and retrogrades
                                                        1. • Entirely chromatic harmony throughout the piece
                                                          1. • Verticalisation – bar 14
                                                            1. • Enharmonic equivalents of notes e.g. bar 23
                                                              1. • Octave displacement e.g. bars 22-23
                                                                1. • Palindrome (same but backwards) of beginning a bars 24-26 and 39-42
                                                                2. Tonality
                                                                  1. • Atonal
                                                                    1. • Serialist
                                                                      1. • Chromatic
                                                                        1. • Based on tone rows - prime, transposed, inversions and retrogrades
                                                                        2. Texture
                                                                          1. • Monophonic introduction
                                                                            1. • Use of contrapuntal textures at bar 6
                                                                              1. • 3 part counterpoint during exposition
                                                                                1. • Use of Cantus Firmus at bars 6 – 14
                                                                                  1. • Mirror cannon (intervals reversed) at bar 28
                                                                                    1. • Stretto (entries become closer together) in development – e.g. 22-23
                                                                                      1. • Texture thickened by overlapping rows


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