Authentic Assessments


Mind map of authentic assessments for ESL students.
Laura Galindo
Mapa Mental por Laura Galindo, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Laura Galindo
Criado por Laura Galindo aproximadamente 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Authentic Assessments
  1. students perform real-world tasks that demonstrate meaningful application of essential knowledge and skills
    1. Usually includes a task & a rubric
      1. Assessment drives the curriculum. First determine the task, then the curriculum = planning backwards
        1. Tests can serve as a complement to authentic assessments in a teacher
          1. Allows for student choice
            1. Students know what good performance looks like
    2. WHAT?
      1. WHY?
        1. students should be able to use/apply knowledge & skills, not just recite it.
          1. Research shows students need to be able to construct own meaning
            1. allows for students to show their strengths
              1. allows for more student choice
        2. HOW?
          1. Question 1. What should students know & be able to do?
            1. Question 2. What indicates students have met these standards?
              1. Question 3. What does good performance look like?
                1. Question 4. How well did they perform. Create a rubric
                  1. What do students need to improve on?
          2. ELL
            1. Initial Assessment
              1. schools are legally obligated to identify who are ELLS so they can receive services if needed
                1. so they can provide equal opportunity for success
                  1. language proficiency test such as ACCESS
                    1. literacy skills transfer from native language to English
                      1. Assess in students native language, when possible. shows that you value it
                        1. Many educational background issues you should take into consideration such as number of years of school in US or elsewhere
                    2. Send a home language survey for every student
                2. Ongoing Assessment
                  1. Portfolios
                    1. 1. Comprehensive
                      1. items show range and growth of skills
                        1. higher-level thinking skills
                          1. formal and informal assessments
                          2. 2. Predetermined & Systematic
                            1. purposes, aims, and artifacts have been established in advance
                              1. work together with teacher and ESL teacher
                              2. 3. Informative
                                1. conveys useful data
                                  1. have students been taught how to interpret portfolio?
                                2. 4. Tailored
                                  1. Does it provide a glimpse into student's rich cultural & linguistic heritage?
                                  2. 5. Authentic
                                    1. Was student involved in selecting items
                                  3. Oral language
                                    1. very important, should be given numerous opportunities
                                      1. receptive and expressive skills should be assessd
                                        1. Does student understand conversational & academic language?
                                    2. Writing
                                      1. Family literacy
                                      2. High-Stakes Test
                                        1. Adequate yearly progress
                                          1. amount of progress that must be shown by a school
                                            1. New AYP in 2004 for LEP
                                          2. Content-based standards
                                            1. Accomodations
                                              1. English language proficiency is insufficient
                                                1. Special needs
                                                  1. Can be difficult to determine
                                                  2. extra time, read test aloud, extra breaks, fewer distractions
                                                  3. culturally responsive?
                                                    1. cultural bias


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