Inmune system


Mapa Mental sobre Inmune system, criado por Ruth Flores em 16-01-2017.
Ruth Flores
Mapa Mental por Ruth Flores, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Ruth Flores
Criado por Ruth Flores aproximadamente 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Inmune system
  1. What does it do?
    1. ·Defect
      1. ·Deflect
        1. ·Destroy
    2. What does it have?
      1. ·Lymph nodes
        1. ·Lymph vessels
          1. ·Lymphocytes
            1. ·Blood marrow
              1. ·White blood cells
                1. ·Skin membrane
      2. How does it work?
        1. Innate defense system
          1. Internal defenses
            1. ·Phagocytes
              1. ·Antimicrobial proteins
                1. ·Attack cells
              2. ·Is the second line of defense·Fight with fever ·Reduces inflamation ·Reduces chemical signals ·Help attack invators
                1. PHAGOCYTES ·Eat like pacman
                  1. NEUTROPHILS ·The most abundant type of your white blood cells ·Go away after eating a pathogen
                    1. M,ACROPHAGES ·Big eater ·Use cytoplasmatic extensions ·Fix types ·Attack the ones that pass by ·Look for danger
                      1. NATURAL KILLER CELLS ·Can kill your own cells if their are infected
                    2. External barricate
                      1. ·Skin mocus membrane
                      2. Simple physical barriers
                        1. Keep out all manner of malevolent microorganisms
                          1. Protects: ·respiratory, ·digestive, ·urinary, ·reproductive systems, from the external world
                          2. It uses an arsenal of physical and chemical barriers killer cells and even fever to keep you healthy
                          3. Adaptive defense system
                          4. Hhow they were to look for problems?
                            1. INFLAMATORY RESPONSE ·Internal fire alarm, that use:-redness -swelling -heat -pain
                              1. ·By sending histaminemolecules
                                1. ·Then, phagocytes are called lymphocites
                              2. LEUKOCYTOSIS ·Send chemicalsthat homing devices. ·And then the neutrophils arrive get into the vessels to get to work


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