

Mapa Mental sobre Audiences, criado por Ella Budgett em 18-01-2017.
Ella Budgett
Mapa Mental por Ella Budgett, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Ella Budgett
Criado por Ella Budgett mais de 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

  1. Primary/Target Audience
    1. Males and females
      1. Our duo is made up of a boy and girl which means people of both genders will be able to relate to the duo in some way
      2. Young adults/students Ages 16-24
        1. Fans of the Electropop genre
          1. Would consume music through digital means
            1. SoundCloud and YouTube are popular online websites for our TA age group
              1. Likely to download on iTunes which is available on portable devices such as smartphones
            2. Secondary Audience
              1. People that are interested in the developing UK music industry
                1. MiraJax are new on the UK music scene
                2. Fans of similar genres to electropop - e.g. pop and alternative music
                  1. People of older ages that like electropop music
                    1. Likely to listen to the songs through buying the actual album
                  2. Tertiary Audience
                    1. Fans of music in general
                      1. Could hear about our video via word of mouth or see it on suggested videos when on YouTube
                      2. People interested in universal ideologies
                        1. Our music video explores the idea of breaking free form restraints so this theme could appeal to a tertiary audience


                      The Hypodermic Syringe Model
                      Lauren Butler
                      Who is the audience of our media product and how did we address the audience?
                      Abordagens Psicológicas
                      Alda Bezerra
                      Alemão Básico
                      ACENTUAÇÃO GRÁFICA
                      Viviana Veloso
                      INCOMPLETO - Biologia e Geologia - Geologia 11º ano, parte IV - Ensino Secundário Português
                      Heres Oliveira
                      Revolução francesa - Império Napoleônico
                      Robson Bueno
                      Plano de estudos ENEM - Parte 1 *Humanas
                      Alice Sousa
                      Sistema Único de Saúde
                      Vanessa Campos
                      Totalitarismo: Fascismo e Nazismo
                      jacson luft