Acute Asthma


Mapa Mental sobre Acute Asthma, criado por lisabg333 em 12-04-2014.
Mapa Mental por lisabg333, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por lisabg333 quase 11 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Acute Asthma
  1. Pathophysiology
    1. Individual with asthma has hypertrophied airways with mucus present
      1. exposure to allergen/asthmatic trigger
        1. type I hypersensitivity reaction
          1. bronchospasms, edema, increased mucus secretions
    2. Epidemiology
      1. affects individuals of all ages
        1. ethnic minorities more at risk
          1. prevalence greater in children
          2. Clinical Presentation
            1. wheezing
              1. cough
                1. hypoxia
                  1. chest pain/tightness
                    1. dyspnea
                      1. cyanosis
                        1. pulsus paradoxus
                          1. anxiety
                            1. diaphoresis
                            2. Diagnosis
                              1. pulse oximetry
                                1. ABG
                                  1. chest auscultation/wheezing
                                    1. tachycardia and increased respiratory rate
                                      1. blood esoniphilia
                                        1. pulmonary functions testing
                                        2. Treatment
                                          1. bronchodialators
                                            1. rescue inhalers
                                              1. systemic corticosteroids
                                                1. ipratropium


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