RIBA PLAN 2013 consultation


Mapa Mental sobre RIBA PLAN 2013 consultation, criado por alison_patey0437 em 08-05-2013.
Mapa Mental por alison_patey0437, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por alison_patey0437 mais de 11 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

RIBA PLAN 2013 consultation
    1. Sustainability
      1. BIM
        1. Building services design
          1. UK Gov construction stategy
          2. OLD RIBA STAGE
            1. A: Appraisal
              1. B: Design Brief
                1. C: Apraisal
                  1. D: Design Development
                    1. E: Technical Design
                      1. F1 & F2: Production information
                        1. G: Tender Documentation
                          1. H: Tender Action
                            1. J: Mobilisation
                              1. K: Construction to PC
                                1. L: Post PC
            2. NEW RIBA STAGE
              1. 1: PREPARATION
                1. 2: CONCEPT DESIGN
                  1. 3: DEVELOPED DESIGN
                    1. 4: TECHNICAL DESIGN
                      1. 5: SPECIALIST DESIGN
                        1. 6: CONSTRUCTION (OFF + ONSITE)
                          1. 7: USE AND AFTERCARE
              2. PROPOSALS
                1. Abolish A - L stages and replace with 7 point schedule of works incorporating:
                  1. intellegent commissioning
                    1. soft landings
                      1. project outcomes
                        1. differing stages of planning
                          1. UK & international use
                            1. Private + public sector
                              1. Differing project sizes
                            2. KEY CHANGES
                              1. Work stages reduced from 11 to 7 & aligned with the CIC sch of services
                                1. Stages A & B have been merged into 1 intitial 'preparation stage'
                                  1. Stages F to L have been simplified and re-numbered
                                    1. Job specific flexibility replaces the single description of tasks used in the Plan of works 2007
                                      1. Planning is accounted for in the design process
                                        1. Sustainability and BIM have been incorporated with the introduction of BIM 'overlay' and 'Green Overlay'
                                        2. GREEN OVERLAY
                                          1. Provides a framework for the inclusion of sustainability in the apprisal, breifing, design and construction process.
                                            1. the overlay takes the existing plan as a starting point add guidance notes and highlights additional actions to promote the construction of sustainable buildings.


                                            Alessandra S.
                                            Fundamentos Químicos da vida
                                            Priscila Reinaldo
                                            Terminologia Cirúrgica
                                            Direito Constitucional - Concurso Receita Federal - Auditor Fiscal
                                            Alessandra S.
                                            Phrasal Verbs - Inglês #10
                                            Eduardo .
                                            Anatomia membro inferior - Ossos, acidentes e movimentos
                                            Vestibular - Guia de Estudos
                                            Alessandra S.
                                            Conceitos Básicos - Genética
                                            João Martins
                                            Técnicas de Estudo
                                            vivi sousa
                                            Questões SUS - ANVISA
                                            Thiago Ferreira
                                            Contextualização da disciplina - Tecnologias na formação profissional - Saúde
                                            Fabrícia Assunção