Production of gamets


Mapa Mental sobre Production of gamets, criado por Mimy Jurado em 27-02-2017.
Mimy Jurado
Mapa Mental por Mimy Jurado, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Mimy Jurado
Criado por Mimy Jurado mais de 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Production of gamets
  1. Advantages of sex in evolution
    1. Over 99.9% of eukaryotes reproduce sexually
      1. Is good for natural selection
        1. Sex can be favored when selection varies over space
          1. Sex evolves more readily when a species enviroment changes rapidly
        2. Spermatogenesis
          1. Process of espero cell development.
            1. Spermatocygogenesis
              1. Primitive cells proliferase by mitosis.
              2. Spermiogenesis
                1. Cells retain a rounded configuration Spermatids undergo a change in form during spermiogenesis.
            2. Genetic Recombination in fertilization
              1. Happens during meiosis
                1. In propase I of Meiosis I crossing over occurs when the double- stranded homologous pairs connect and exchange DNA.
              2. Meiotic events
                1. The maintenance of sexual reproduction in a highly competitive world has long been one of the major mysteries of biology given that asexual reproduction can reproduce much more quickly because 50% of offspring from sexual reproduction are males, unable to produce offspring themselves.


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