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A-Levels History - Russia Mapa Mental sobre Bolsheviks, criado por Gemma Bradford em 09-05-2013.
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history - russia
history - russia
Mapa Mental por
Gemma Bradford
, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por
Gemma Bradford
quase 12 anos atrás
Resumo de Recurso
Came into power October 1917
Problems facing Lenin on sucession
Russia at war
Peasants siezing land
Rise in inflation/unemployment
Employees on strike
No experience of governing
Poor support
State bank refused to fund them
3 Decrees
Confiscation of private land, given to peasants
Peace decree
Ending the war
War was unpopular and major factor for fall of PG
Needed military resources
December 22nd 1917
Ceasefire agreed, Bolshevik peace delegation began
January 8th 1914
Lenin persuaded government to continue negotiations
January 27th 1918
Trotsky signed peace treaty with Ukraine
March 3rd 1918
Bolsheviks ended war in treaty of Brest-Litovsk
Meant Russia lost territory and economic wealth
Organisation of new government
Sovnarkom > All Russia congress soviets > Representations from cities
Constituent Assembly
Promised by PG
12th November 1917
January 5th 1918
Constituent assembly met for first time in Petrograd
Bolsheviks demanded the assembly should be subservient to the 3 decrees
Rejected by 237 votes to 137
Bolsheviks and left SRs walked out
Remaining members removed by red guards
Opposition split into 2 factions
Left and right SRs
Bolsheviks joined left SRs in coalition
Bolsheviks begam communist dictatorship
Civil War
October revolution
Desire of nationalities to form states
June 1918 SRs launched attack on communist rule
Brest-Litovsk split left revolutionaries
Whites formed force to takeover Petrograd
Lenin moved his capital to Moscow early 1918 out of fear
Kolchak's campaign
Attacked with 3000 foreign troops
Captured important cities
Red army persuaded Kolchak forces to change sides
Deniken's Campaign
Agreed to support Kolchak
Attempted to fight reds but not enough troops so it failed
Yudenich's campaign
Launched attack on Petrograd
Trotsky made the troops retreat
Russo-Polish War
Polish forces captured Kiew in Ukraine
Lenin ordered invasion of Poland
Reds defeated at Warsaw
Biggest communist defeat in civil war
Treaty of Riga
April 1921
Poland given Western Belorussia
Against Whites
Why they won
Weakness of oposition
Whites divided
Fought internally
Unpopular to peasants
Some wanted return of Tsarism
Poor use of propaganda
Cheka politial police force
Executed enemies of communists
Burnt villages
Offered choice of reds or execution
Communists dominated Petrograd and Moscow
Densest populations
Large industrial production and transport networks
Good communications across Russia
Good weapon production
Whites dispersed across Russia
Lack of unity
Reds controlled grain requistioning
Reds controlled central economic activity
1921 Red army had 5 million members
Recruited former officers of Tsarist army
Held members families' hostage to ensure loyalty
Trotsky checed up on red army units
Gave strong poitical speeches
War Communism
Supreme economic council formed (vesekha)
Nationalisation of industry
Private trade banned
Decline in use of money
Use of terror
Grain seized from peasants
Rationing of food/resources
Lenin wanted more control
1921 Famine due to poor rationing
Peasants stopped producing so much grain
Deaths of 2 million
Economy under communist control
Organised around civil war
Lenin focused on production of military equipment
Peasant uprisings
Grain requisitioning
Peasants resentful
Faill in industrial production
Allowed communists to win the war
1921 Abandoned by Lenin
Rebellions and failures
Turned to New economic policy
New economic policy
Failures of war communism
End of civil war
Kronstadt rebellion 1921
Demanded end to position of communists
Rebellion against Lenin
Trotsky put down rebellion
Tactical retreat from communists
Peasants only had to give part of produce
Allowance of private trading led by nepmen
New currency in 1922 ended inflation
Democratic centralism
NEP split communists
Ban on factions in party
All other political parties banned
Political dictatorship
Markets returned to Russian towns
Peasants gained more land
Scissor crisis
Gap between agricultural prices and industrial prices
As production rose, prices fell
Nep accused by many communists of greed and self interest
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
December 1922
Lenin's solution of multi national communist state
1921 - only communist party was allowed in USSR
Communist party controlled government
Lenin's control
Over government
Over communists
Cheka terror police
1922 - replaced by GPU another political police force
Over media
Only newspaper Pravada allowed
1924 - Gulag labour camps imprisoned tens of thousands of opponents
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