Five Session Modulo 2


Modulo 2 Ingles Mapa Mental sobre Five Session Modulo 2, criado por ricardo casther em 06-03-2017.
ricardo casther
Mapa Mental por ricardo casther, atualizado more than 1 year ago
ricardo casther
Criado por ricardo casther aproximadamente 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Five Session Modulo 2
  1. Countable and Uncountable
    1. Uncountable
      1. Countable
        1. Examples
        2. Parts of Face
          1. Eyes
            1. Nose
              1. Hair
                1. Mouth
                  1. Lips
                    1. Moustache
                      1. Ear
                      2. Singer FUN
                        1. There are some nights I hold to every note
                          1. And you have every right to be scared
                            1. Cause there are some nights I hold you close, pushing you to hold me
                            2. Some or Any
                              1. Are you thirsty? We´ve got some apple juice
                                1. There are some sausages in the fridge
                                  1. There are some bananas on the table
                                    1. Are there any chips with this meal?
                                      1. I´m sorry, there isn´t any cold water
                                        1. The café hasn´t got any hot food today
                                          1. Excuse me, is there any meat on this pizza?
                                            1. Have we got any milk?

                                            Anexos de mídia


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                                            Reinos - Características Gerais/Biologia
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                                            Direito Constitucional I
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