

Cognitive Neuroscience (Midterm) Mapa Mental sobre Attention, criado por Allison Sonia em 07-03-2017.
Allison Sonia
Mapa Mental por Allison Sonia, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Allison Sonia
Criado por Allison Sonia mais de 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

  1. Cortical Attention
    1. Sub-cortical attention
      1. The thalamus: The V1 connects to and from the perigeniculate nucleus. Top-down, the feedback from the visual cortex acts on the thalamus
      2. Attention Disorders
        1. Spatial Neglect
          1. Vision is fine but cannot attend to one half of the visual field
          2. Neuropsychological Tests of attention
            1. Bisecting lines task
              1. Eye-tracking: gaze bias
                1. Test of extinction
                  1. Drawing of common objects
                  2. Bálint's syndrome
                    1. Simultaneous agnostic: The inability to perceive simultaneous events or objects in one's visual field
                      1. Oculomotor apraxia: The inability to voluntarily guide eye movements
                        1. Optic ataxia: The inability to guide the hand toward an object using visual information
                        2. Blindsight
                          1. Vision without awareness, damage to visual cortex, can still identify some visual attributes of stimulus reported as "Not seen"


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