Unhealthy Relationships


This is a mind map relating to how to identify an unhealthy relationship for Tutorial Group 7
Tracie Fox
Mapa Mental por Tracie Fox, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Tracie Fox
Criado por Tracie Fox quase 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Unhealthy Relationships
  1. Emotional Abuse


    • Emotional abuse
    1. Self harm
      1. Not going out as much
        1. Behaviour changes
          1. Being Moody
            1. Body Language
              1. Violent Behaviour
                1. Stop eating
                  1. Being quiet
                    1. Not communicating with friends and family
                      1. Change in appearance
                        1. Being withdrawn
                          1. Physical abuse
                            1. Lots of arguing
                              1. Verbal abuse
                                1. Victims emotional
                                  1. Fighting


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