46. People Can't Actually Multitask


Mapa Mental sobre 46. People Can't Actually Multitask, criado por Lorena Munoz em 09-03-2017.
Lorena Munoz
Mapa Mental por Lorena Munoz, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Lorena Munoz
Criado por Lorena Munoz quase 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

46. People Can't Actually Multitask
  1. Only one task at the time
    1. Switching back and forth in between tasks is not multitasking
      1. simultaneous physical and mental activities are possible
        1. walking + talking = less attention to surroundings
        2. in the US is illegal to drive while holding a cell phone but you can have a hands-free phone
          1. the distraction is the conversation not the phone
          2. Young people do no multitask better than older people
            1. young people are distracted more easily
            2. asking people to multitask is not a good idea
              1. if you do expect mistakes


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