Helen Keller


Mapa Mental sobre Helen Keller, creado por Juanita A el 11/03/2017.
Juanita A
Mapa Mental por Juanita A, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Juanita A
Criado por Juanita A mais de 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Helen Keller
  1. Was the first deaf and blind person to win a Bachelor of Arts degree.
    1. Profession
      1. American Writer
        1. Political activist
          1. Teacher
          2. Disabilities
            1. Deaf and blind.
              1. Were caused by a fever.
              2. Met every president of U.S.A
                1. From Grover Cleveland to Lyndon B. Johnson
                2. Birth date: June 27, 1880. Death date: June 1, 1968.
                  1. In 1920, she helped found the American Civil Liberties Union.
                    1. Education
                      1. Had a governess (Anne Sullivan). She was very special in her life.
                        1. Sullivan teach her the language of the deaf and dumb.
                        2. Was friend of several famous people.
                          1. Like, Alexander Graham Bell, Charlie Chaplin, and Mark Twain.
                          2. Made Campaigns for women's suffrage, worker's rights and socialism


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