Google was a largely helpful and useful resource in which we had
avaliable for the whole of the advanced portfolio, but more
specifically for the research element. It allowed us to gain valuable
knowledge and learn the key conventions which make up the body
of our chosen 'Pop' genre. A sides from this we could find examples
for the digipak, album cover, font designs and CD designs, which
allowed us to take inspiration for our own products.
Google also aloud us to source images, colour schemes and to
use colour backgrounds to 'vamp up' our blogs to make them
more visual engaging and interesting. It eliminates the boring
element of a blog which consists of large paragraphs of block
text which take ages to read through. However in some cases
the images in which we source and use from Google are more
effective and impact the blog post more than the writing
associated with it.
YouTube was vital in the research stage as it
allowed us to identify different successful
artist's who already operate within the
industry, from which we could gain ideas
A key factor from YouTube was being able
to visually see and to create a mental
image of how a succesful music video is
constructed and what we need to do to
replicate something of the same
standard. A long side with this we could
often take screenshot of certain shots or
scenes in which we linked, then we could
annaylis them in further detail.
It is also a very key platform with a range of
different productions of artist with
successful music videos within the 'Pop'
genre. From this we can start to compare
codes and conventions, with the ability to
pluck out specific ones which are relevant
to us.
DaFont was not used for large amounts of the research stage,
survying its main purpose of providing us with loads of
original, unique fonts which we could consider for our
DaFont also open us up to a range of
different ideas that we could use which
previously was not available to use. After
conducting research on successful music
artists within the industry we had a strong
look at the font used to promote them or
their album. From this we took large
amounts of inspiration which gave us a
understanding of the kind of font which
we was looking out for on DaFont.
Blogger was used to present our
finding firstly for our foundation
portfolio and now our advanced
portfolio. It presents are
information such as research and
planning, design's, post production
and pre- production.
Through blogger it aloud us to present our work on
individual posts which collaborate together to make one
big blog. Blogger supports images, videos, allows you to
embed links from web 2.0 tools and in general allows
you to link various other media togeher. On blogger we
could present our research/information about the
artist, textual analysis, genre conventions ans concepts
about different theorists.
Audience Feeback
Focus groups proved to be crucial in the
research stage of our production as we
can establish our target audience. This
was vital as we could learn exactly what
are audience likes, needs and demands.
The focus groups mainly
consisted of a range of people
who we would regularly ask
question's to, to receive
regular constructive feedback.
Through constructing audience feedback either in the
form of questionnaires or focus groups, it allowed us
to further understand our target audiences needs in
depth. It also provided us with multiple opinions and
view points in which we could take into consideration
when trying to develop our product.