Liberalism core themes


A - Level Government and Politics (Liberalism ) Mapa Mental sobre Liberalism core themes, criado por Yasmine King em 19-03-2017.
Yasmine King
Mapa Mental por Yasmine King, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Yasmine King
Criado por Yasmine King mais de 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Liberalism core themes
  1. Individualism
    1. Individual over any other social group or collective body
      1. Some liberals see society as a collection of individuals
        1. C. B. Macphearson, (classical), 'possessive individualism'. Individual regarded the individual as proprietor of his own interests
          1. All liberals have a desire to create a society where each person is capable pf developing and flourishing to the fullness of his or her potential
            1. Egoism and self love are natural
            2. Freedom
              1. Liberty gives individuals freedom/ opportunity to pursue their own interests by exercising choice
                1. If liberty is unlimited it can become 'licence' to abuse others
                  1. John Stuart Mill
                    1. Freedom should only be limited to prevent harm to others (harm principle)
                  2. Negative Freedom
                    1. each person to be left alone, freedom from external intervention
                      1. Classical Liberals
                        1. Sumner "A drunken in the gutter is where he ought to be"
                          1. Smiles "heaven helps those who help themselves"
                            1. Belief in the free market
                        2. Positive Freedom
                          1. freedom to achieve self rationalisation
                            1. Modern Liberals
                              1. Beveridge, 5 giants
                                1. Equality of opportunity
                          2. Reason
                            1. Capacity to weigh up options and arrive at a justified conclusion
                              1. This ability is innate
                                1. Different and competing interests can be taken to a third person who can weigh up and make a judgement (legal system)
                              2. Justice
                                1. Human Equality
                                  1. Formal Equality
                                    1. Equality of opportunity
                                    2. Toleration
                                      1. Voltaire, "I detest what you say but I will defend to the death your right to say it"


                                      Welfare and New Liberalism General Notes
                                      Charlotte Peacock
                                      Unit 1: Government and Politics: The Constitution
                                      Democracy and political participation
                                      People and Politics - Democracy and political participation - Notes
                                      Key Concepts - Unit 2.1 - Government and Politics
                                      Approaches to Global Politics Definitions
                                      Liberalism Mindmap
                                      CLASSICAL LIBERALISM
                                      Liberalism (International relations)
                                      People, Politics and Participation
                                      To what extent has globalisation reshaped international politics?