C3 - Energy and Fuels


GCSE Chemistry (C3) Mapa Mental sobre C3 - Energy and Fuels, criado por Lily O'Brien em 27-03-2017.
Lily O'Brien
Mapa Mental por Lily O'Brien, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Lily O'Brien
Criado por Lily O'Brien mais de 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

C3 - Energy and Fuels
  1. Fuel energy is calculated using calorimetry
    1. Uses glass or metal container
      1. Put 50g of water in the copper can and record its temperature. Weigh the spirit burner and lid. Put the spirit burner underneath the can, and light the wick. Heat the water, stirring constantly until temp reaches about 50c. Put out the flame using the burner lid and measure the final temperature of the water. Weight the spirit burner and lid again.
      2. Different fuels release different amounts of energy
        1. Q = mc^T. Energy transferred(j) = mass of water(g) x specific heat capacity of water (4.2) x temp change(c)
          1. Burning fossil fuels releases C)2. This causes global warming. It is expensive to slow down its effects
            1. Crude oil is running out. (petrol,diesel) Price of crude oil has a big economic effect.


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