GCSE Biology


GCSE Science (Biology) Mapa Mental sobre GCSE Biology, criado por Oscar Patterson em 01-04-2017.
Oscar Patterson
Mapa Mental por Oscar Patterson, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Oscar Patterson
Criado por Oscar Patterson mais de 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

GCSE Biology
  1. DNA
    1. Base pairs
      1. Adenine
        1. Thymine
          1. Cytosine
            1. Guanine
              1. Joined together by weak hydrogen bonds
              2. Section of DNA is called a gene
                1. Structure is a double helix
                  1. People who discovered the structure of DNA
                    1. Franklin
                      1. Crick
                        1. Watson
                          1. Wilkins
                        2. Mitosis
                          1. Makes new cells for Growth and Repair
                            1. Body cells reproduce
                              1. Important for
                                1. Growth
                                  1. Replacing damaged cells
                                    1. Asexual reproduction
                                    2. End up with two genetically identical cells
                                      1. called diploid cells
                                    3. Meiosis
                                      1. Gametes (sex cells) are produced
                                        1. Produced in the ovaries or the testes
                                          1. Gametes are haploid
                                            1. Have one copy of each chromosome
                                          2. End up with four genetically different haploid cells
                                          3. Stem cells


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