Flood Hydrographs


A level Geography - Physical Mind Map on Flood Hydrographs, created by Liam Cooney on 24/04/2017.
Mapa Mental por L C, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por L C mais de 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Flood Hydrographs
  1. 'Flashy' Hydrograph
    1. Responds quickly to rainfall
      1. Steep rising and falling limbs
        1. High peak discharge
          1. Recorded over a 26 hour period
            1. Short lag time
            2. 'Non-Flashy' Hydrograph
              1. Responds slowly to rainfall
                1. Gentle rising and falling limbs
                  1. Low peak discharge
                    1. Recorded over a 4 day period
                      1. Long lag time
                      2. Keywords
                        1. Falling Limb - The period of time when the rivers discharge is falling
                          1. Rising Limb - The period of rising river discharge following a period of rainfall
                            1. Peak Discharge - The time of maximum discharge by the river
                              1. Normal Flow - The base flow of a river
                                1. Peak rainfall - the hour of greatest rainfall during a storm
                                  1. Lag Time - The period of time between peak rainfall and peak discharge


                                  Abordagens Psicológicas
                                  Alda Bezerra
                                  ACENTUAÇÃO GRÁFICA
                                  Viviana Veloso
                                  BARROCO no Brasil
                                  Mariana Cristina
                                  Aprenda português brincando
                                  Luís Fernando Olivei
                                  Mapa Conceitual - Engenharia - Empreendedorismo e Inovação
                                  Nathan Kaiser
                                  Direito Constitucional e Administrativo
                                  GoConqr suporte .
                                  Comunicação Social para Concurseiros
                                  Ricardo Olimpio
                                  Direito Constitucional e Administrativo
                                  Maria José
                                  FCE Practice Fill In The Blank
                                  Revisão 2016 - Fundamentos de Gestão de RH
                                  Mari Batista
                                  Kamila Vieira