Shopping online


Mapa Mental sobre Shopping online, criado por melhatton em 14-05-2013.
Mapa Mental por melhatton, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por melhatton mais de 11 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Shopping online
  1. Benefits
    1. 24/7
      1. Read Reviews
        1. Compare prices
          1. Far greater choice
            1. You have a 7day right to return if not happy
            2. Disadvantages
              1. You need computer skills
                1. Need internet
                  1. Cannot pay with cash
                    1. You cannot touch or feel the thing you are buying
                      1. Usually have to pay for deliverly
                      2. Common methods of making online payment
                        1. Credit and Debit card
                          1. Using an online banking account
                            1. Third-party payment system
                              1. Using a gift voucher or card


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