Themes in Streetcar Shown in Stella


A-Level English (A Streetcar Named Desire) Mapa Mental sobre Themes in Streetcar Shown in Stella, criado por Chloe Pilkington em 20-05-2017.
Chloe Pilkington
Mapa Mental por Chloe Pilkington, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Chloe Pilkington
Criado por Chloe Pilkington quase 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Themes in Streetcar Shown in Stella
  1. Relationships
    1. "When he's away for a week I nearly go wild" "Oh, you can't describe someone you're in love with!"
      1. Metaphor
        1. This suggests that their relationship is heavily based around sex and physical attraction
        2. "Couldn't you call it quits after one more hand"
          1. Negative politeness
            1. Modal auxiliary verb
              1. Stella wants Stanley to stop the same but does not want to be direct, she fears Stanley's aggression as he is an alpha male character
              2. "[Stella gets up in a calm and leisurely way]" "He smashed all of the light-bulbs with the heel of my slipper! [she laughs]"
                1. Paralinguistic feature
                  1. Stella's laughter shows that she isn't phased about the events of the night before. She is used to Stanley's violent nature
                  2. "You're not going bowling. [She catches hold of his shirt] Why did you do this to her?"
                    1. Declarative
                      1. Stella tries to be dominant in her relationship with Stanley as she is upset with him
                      2. "Stanley doesn't give me a regular allowance"
                        1. Declarative
                          1. Stanley has full control over Stella. Stella is financial dependent on Stanley, even more so now she is pregnant
                          2. "Stanley, stop picking on Blanche" "Lower your voice!"
                            1. Imperative and exclamtory
                              1. Stella tries to be dominant towards Stanley by telling him want to fo
                              2. "I assure you I wasn't just blinded by all the brass"
                                1. Metaphor
                                  1. Stella fell in love with Stanley at first sight
                                  2. "She's been through such an ordeal"
                                    1. Intensifier
                                      1. Stella knows what Blanche has been through in her life. She understands Blanche's old world way of life because she has also experienced it
                                    2. Class
                                      1. "It's not that bad at all!"
                                        1. Declarative
                                          1. Stella knows that Blanche is looking down on her home as it is a lower class home. Blanche is high class and this is important to her. Stella is trying to reassure Blanche
                                          2. "Just try not to - well - compare them to the men we used to go out with at home" "Won't think they're lovely"
                                            1. Pauses
                                              1. Not only is Stella married to a Polish man, he is also from a different social class. Stella is aware of this and tells Blanche as there are significant differences
                                              2. "She cries out in protest but manages to catch it; then she laughs breathlessly"
                                                1. Paralinguistic feature
                                                  1. Although from a higher class, Stella enjoys and is happy in her relationship with lower class Stanley
                                                  2. "Yes. A different species"
                                                    1. Metaphor
                                                      1. This highlights the fact that Blanche wouldn't dream of mixing with other ethnic groups/social classes. The animal reference also links with Stanley being animalistic
                                                      2. "Admire her dress Tell her she's looking wonderful"
                                                        1. Stella understands Blanche. She is aware that Blanche still upholds values from the old world and is very concerned about her apperance
                                                        2. "Why no. You are as fresh as a daisy"
                                                          1. Flouts maxim of quality, positive politeness, simile
                                                            1. Flouts the maxim to make Blanche feel better about her appearance as it is important to her and the old world values
                                                          2. Conflict
                                                            1. "That's not fun, Stanley"
                                                              1. Negative politeness
                                                                1. Stella doesn't like the way Stanley is disrespecting her in front of everyone but doesn't directly say this as she doesn't want to anger him
                                                                2. "It wasn't anything as serious as you seem to take it"
                                                                  1. Declarative
                                                                    1. The culture clash is shown here, as Stella sees Stanley violence as acceptable whereas Blanche is disgusted by it
                                                                  2. Power/Dominance
                                                                    1. "Stella shrugs"
                                                                      1. Stage directions
                                                                        1. Williams does this to make Stella look inferior to Stanley as he is making fun of Blanche but Stella is scared of Stanley's aggressive to stick up for her
                                                                      2. Past
                                                                        1. "Nobody, nobody, was tender and trusting as she was"
                                                                          1. Adjectives and alliteration
                                                                            1. "Stella is hanging on to what Blanche was like in the past as she does not want to face up to what she is like now. These adjectives are a contrast to what Blanche changes into


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