Jekyll and Hyde


GCSE English Mapa Mental sobre Jekyll and Hyde, criado por Jon Holmes em 23-05-2017.
Jon  Holmes
Mapa Mental por Jon Holmes, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Jon  Holmes
Criado por Jon Holmes mais de 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Jekyll and Hyde
  1. Good vs Evil
    1. Jekyll =Good
      1. Hyde=Evil
        1. "There is something wrong with his appearance; something displeasing, something downright detestable."
          1. "He must be deformed somewhere; he gives a strong feeling of deformity,"
        2. Two sides of human personality
          1. Intertwined part of human nature
            1. Hydes death shows weakness of evil
            2. Repression
              1. Jekyll repressed side comes out as Hyde
                1. Hyde smaller in stature because of this
                2. Context: Victorian society very stict and not as open as modern society
                  1. the more he desires the life of Mr. Hyde, and the stronger Mr. Hyde becomes.
                    1. "I am ashamed of my long tongue. Let us make a bargain never to refer to this again."- Utterson refering to gossiping- showing how restrictive society was
                      1. Lashes out in an extremely violent fashion - shows effect of built up repression
                        1. "Ape like fury"
                          1. "Hailing down a storm of blows"
                            1. "In which the bones were audibly shattered"
                          2. Freinships
                            1. Jekyll, Hyde and Utterson have secret and detached relationship
                              1. Friendship act as enablers and motivators to drive the plot forward
                                1. Tension and friction between Lanyon and Jekyll over science
                                  1. Are they friends or non aggressive acquaintances
                                    1. "The doctor gave one of his pleasant dinners to some 5 or 6 old cronies"
                                      1. "You could see by his looks that he cherished for Mr.Utterson a sincire and warm affection"
                                        1. "Make a clean breast of this in confidence; and I make no doubt I can get you out of it." Utterson's loyalty to Jekyll
                                        2. Science Vs Religion
                                          1. Context- Louis Stevenson indulged in supernatural
                                            1. Jekyll is on the side of supernatural/unconventional science
                                              1. Lanyon more scientific
                                                1. for there before my eyes—pale and shaken, and half fainting, and groping before him with his hands, like a man restored from death—there stood Henry Jekyll!
                                                  1. Dies after witnessing trasformation
                                                    1. "A week afterwards Dr. Lanyon took to his bed, and in something less than a fortnight he was dead."
                                                  2. science becomes a cover and justification for supernatural activities.


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