1970's in Liverpool


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1970's in Liverpool
  1. Class Divide
    1. Escalating economic decline in the 1970's meant that many people had little or no income, which divided the rich and poor. This is called social exclusion.
      1. People suffer from social exclusion when they do not have access to adequate health care or education.
        1. Lack of education and health care stop people from getting good jobs which means they will have little or no income so it becomes a cycle for families.
        2. There are many reasons why social divide happens.
          1. Low income- can't afford luxuries such as food or new school shoes.
            1. Poor housing- multiple people living in one room.
              1. Poor health- suffering from illnesses caused by poor diet.
                1. Low educational achievement- caused by disruptive pupils and lack of teaching staff.
              2. Education
                1. In the 1960's the government introduced comprehensive schools.There was lots of critisism.
                  1. They imitated grammar schools by copying their curriculum
                    1. There were too many exams.
                      1. The less able pupils were taught the same as the other pupils.
                        1. New teaching methods had failed.
                          1. Discipline in schools had been eroded.
                          2. In a poorer area of liverpool, a new school was set up with "neither headmaster, nor hierarchy, nor recognise any central authority, but be controlled by the parents, children and teachers together", the Times Educational Supplement reported in December 1970.
                            1. There were no fees, certain hours, term times or holidays.
                            2. Corporal Punishment existed in schools until 1986.
                              1. It involved deliberate pain or discomfort in response to undesired behavior by students in school.
                                1. People were controversial about it.
                                  1. Advocates said it immediately puts an end to the bad behavior, without them sent out the classroom, or school.
                                    1. Medical psychological societies and human rights groups argued that it interferes with learning, leads to anti-social behavior, mental issues and is a form of violence that breaches the rights of children.
                                2. Unemployment
                                  1. In the 1970's, a lot of docks, manufacturers and major employers went out of business, resulting in a lot of unemployment.
                                    1. Many people lived off money from the government.
                                      1. In the early 1980's the situation became even worse when factories began closing down, around 12,000 people left the city each year.
                                      2. The city had been suffering since the 1950'sand by 1985 the population had fallen to 460,000.
                                      3. Culture
                                        1. Many people used music and fashion as a means to escape the poverty.
                                          1. They would dress up in 'style tribes' and hold parties to express themselves through music and fashion.
                                          2. Punk, Rockability, New Romantic and Goth were the most popular styles during these years.
                                            1. Followers of these music styles had different fashion senses, that were put together from second hand shops, army surplus stores and specialist retailers.


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