Despcriptive Language


English (Figurative Language) Mapa Mental sobre Despcriptive Language, criado por made_of_bubbles em 16-05-2013.
Mapa Mental por made_of_bubbles, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por made_of_bubbles quase 12 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Despcriptive Language
  1. Strong Verbs
    1. Verbs can be strong and powerful according to their context
    2. Interesting Adjectives
      1. Adjectives are used a lot in ballads so they are a good topic to talk about and they can be weak or interesting
      2. Sensory Imagery
        1. Olfactory Imagery- smell
          1. Visual Imagery- see
            1. Auditory Imagery- hear
              1. Gustatory Imagery- taste
                1. Tactile Imagery- touch
                2. Contrast
                  1. You can talk about the contrast in a ballad if it contrasts between two subjects EG. light and dark, cold and hot...
                  2. Repetition
                    1. Repetition is when a certain subject or feeling is talked about a lot and is constantly repeated


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