Tug use in port- Cap 1 Tug design factor


Concursos Públicos Praticagem (Tug use in Port) Mapa Mental sobre Tug use in port- Cap 1 Tug design factor, criado por Hegner Machado em 16-06-2017.
Hegner Machado
Mapa Mental por Hegner Machado, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Hegner Machado
Criado por Hegner Machado aproximadamente 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Tug use in port- Cap 1 Tug design factor
  1. 1.2 - Factors influencing tug type and tug assistance
    1. 1.2.1 - Categories of port and their approaches
      1. A- Conventional ports
        1. B - Ports with mainly terminals
          1. C - Ports with piers and jetties
            1. Ports unders development
              1. Ports approaches
            2. 1.2.2 - Enviromental conditiones
              1. 1.2.3 - The Ships concerneds
                1. 1.2.4 - Services required in and around the harbour
                  1. 1.2.5 - Assisting method in use
                    1. 1.2.6 - Available experience
                      1. 1.2.7 - Safety requirements
                        1. 1.2.8 - Summary
                        2. 1.3 - types of tug
                          1. 1.4 - Assisting methods
                            1. 1.1 - Differences in tug design and assisting methods
                              1. 1.5 - Conclusion


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