Book Mind Map/Launch


Mapa Mental sobre Book Mind Map/Launch, criado por Cheri Boucher em 05-07-2017.
Cheri Boucher
Mapa Mental por Cheri Boucher, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Cheri Boucher
Criado por Cheri Boucher aproximadamente 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Book Mind Map/Launch
  1. Honey trap
    1. main characters - Richard and Emily
      1. Bored and loveless marriage
        1. She concocts plan to get out of marraige
          1. Doesn't want to divorce as will affect entitlement
            1. Wants him to have an affair
              1. Devises plan to lure him into an online affair
                1. we see him having this affair
                  1. we don't know the mastermind is her - this is the BIG REVEAL
                    1. A man looks like he is the culpret
                      1. he is actually her affair
                        1. he takes her concept and grows it - gets greedy
                          1. Lures men in via social media
                            1. he has a bank of pictures to send and a number of fake facebook profiles
                              1. Book is sectioned out into 4/5 victims
                                1. Black comedy
                                  1. one of the guys works out who is behind it through some investigative work
                                    1. Decides to take revenge
                                      1. Has flowers delivered to her
                                        1. Richard works with him and discovers his plan
                                          1. He goes to rescue her
                                            1. Subplot with horrible work couple
                                              1. She is a massive social climber
                                                1. He is an idiot
                                                    1. Father
                                                    2. She may also be trying to have an affair with Richard


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