the intent is to explore an issue (pedagogies of care and restorative practices) or problem (PCR in secondary education) using the cases as a specific illustration ( Creswell & Poth, 2018 p. 96)
Theoretical framework: "the philosophical stance lying behind a methodology, provides a context for the process involved and a
bases for its logic and criteria" (Crotty, 1998,. p. 66)
"most qualitative researchers see what they produce, research reports, articles, not as trascendent truth, but as a particular
render or interpretation of reality grounded on empirical world. They believe that the qualitative research tradition produces an
interpretation of reality that is useful in understanding the human condition" (Bogdan & Biilken, 2010. p. 34)
"focus enquiry on the meanings and values of acting persons' (Crotty, 1998. p. 69)
"In a qualitative study, you are interested no t only in the physical events and behaviours that are taking place, but also in how participants in your study make sense of these, and how their understanding
influences their behavior. THis focus on meaning is central to what is known as the 'interpretive' approach to social science" (Maxwell, 2005. p. 22)
"what constructionism claims is that meanings are constructed by human beings as they engage with the world they are interpreting" (Crotty, 1998. p.43)... " the 'social' in
social-constructionism is about the mode of meaning generation ( socially constructed) and not about the kind of object that has meaning" (ibid, p. 55)
"What, then, does operation from a constructionist perspective actually affect qualitative enquiry? While a realist (objectivis? Crotty?) would seek to both describe and explain a singular reality within some context by identifying and validating causal mechanisms, a constructionist, would seek to capture diverse understandings and
multiple realities about peoples' definitions and experiences of the situation. A singular or universal explanation would not be sought. In this way, constructionist qualitative enquiry honors the idea of multiple realities" ( Patton, 2015, p. 122)
"Michael Crotty makes a distinction between constructivism and constructionism, ... it remains to be seen weather this distinction will gain widespread use since the two terms are so difficult to distinguish and easy to confuse -
often used interchangeably because the share the same ontology and epistemology" (Patton, 2015 .p. 122)
"It would appear useful, then, to reserve the term constructivism for the epistemological considerations focusing exclusively on the 'meaning making activities of the individual mind' and to use constructionism where the focus includes the
'collective generation [and transmission] of meaning" ( crotty p. 58) Ver tambien pg. 79 Crotty distinction between constructivism and constructionism.
phenomenology privileges the nature of the meanings that people construct in their lives and that
guide their actions" (McPhail, 1995, p. 159)
Dudo sobre si mi trabajo tiene un aspect de phenomenology. Dos autores, Crotty y Patton, me llevan a pensar que la phenomenology y socio-constructionism se excluyen uno al otro.
" researchers in the phenomenological mode attempr to understand the meaning of events and interactions to ordinary people in particular situations... what phenomenologists emphasize, the, is the
subjective aspects of people';s behavior" (BOgdan & Biilken, p. 33)
Methods (techniques)
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