3.2 Explain the reasons why children and young peoples development may not follow the expected pattern.


Mapa Mental sobre 3.2 Explain the reasons why children and young peoples development may not follow the expected pattern., criado por Joanne Farr em 27-07-2017.
Joanne Farr
Mapa Mental por Joanne Farr, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Joanne Farr
Criado por Joanne Farr mais de 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

3.2 Explain the reasons why children and young peoples development may not follow the expected pattern.
  1. Personal Factors
    1. Health of the child
      1. Cystic Fibrosis
        1. Asthma
          1. Diabetes
          2. Factors that can affent the baby during birth
            1. Use of foreps
              1. Premature
                1. Lack of oxygen
                2. Factors that could affect the baby while pregnant
                  1. Diet
                    1. Mantal Health
                      1. Taking Drugs
                        1. Alchol
                          1. Smoking
                          2. Disabilities
                            1. Learning Dificulties
                              1. Dyslexia
                                1. Discoulculator
                                2. ADHD
                                3. Sensory
                                  1. Blindness
                                    1. Deafness
                                    2. Physical Disabilities
                                      1. Downsyndom
                                        1. Cerebral Palsy
                                      2. Genitics
                                        1. Hair Colour
                                          1. Eyes Colour
                                            1. Huntington's Dieseas
                                          2. External Factors
                                            1. Family Circumstances
                                              1. unemployment
                                                1. moving/relocating
                                                  1. siblings
                                                    1. seperation
                                                      1. Ilness
                                                        1. Personal Choices
                                                          1. Taking Drugs
                                                            1. Sex
                                                              1. Smoking & Drinking
                                                                1. Envolvement with gangs
                                                              2. Poverty and deprivation
                                                                1. Housing
                                                                  1. Diet
                                                                    1. Play opertunities
                                                                      1. expectations
                                                                        1. Aspiration
                                                                          1. Education
                                                                          2. Looked after children
                                                                            1. Lack of a stable warm loving enviroment where young people can make strong bonds and attachment.
                                                                            2. Family Environment & Background
                                                                              1. Love & Affection
                                                                                1. Poverty & Deprivation
                                                                                  1. Stimulation
                                                                                    1. Violence/abuse
                                                                                      1. Religion
                                                                                      2. Education
                                                                                        1. Access to the wider curriculum
                                                                                          1. Opportunities to Learn


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