10.2 Inheritance


2 IB Biology 2 (10 Genetics and Evolution) Mapa Mental sobre 10.2 Inheritance, criado por STEVE harton em 06-06-2014.
STEVE harton
Mapa Mental por STEVE harton, atualizado more than 1 year ago
STEVE harton
Criado por STEVE harton quase 11 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

10.2 Inheritance
    1. Looking for pattern, trends and discrepancies
      1. Mendel used observations of the natural world
        1. Exceptions to the rules
          1. Morgan discovered non-Mendelian ratios with Drosophila
      1. Discrete
        1. Continuous
          1. The phenotypes of polygenic characteristics
            1. Height may also be influenced by environmental factors
          2. Selective breeding with livestock for specific characteristics
            1. Aim 8
              1. Ethical issues arise in the prevention of the inheritance of genetic disorders
            2. DIHYBRID CROSSES
              1. CHI-SQUARED
                1. Observed and expected frequency frequency distribution is statistically significant
                2. Aim 4
                  1. Solve genetic crosses
                    1. Punnett squares
                      1. Linked genes
                        1. Gene loci are said to be linked if on the same chromosome
                          1. Identification of recombinants
                          2. TOK
                            1. The law of independent assortment has exception
                              1. What is the difference between a law and a theory in science?
                          3. Unlinked genes
                            1. Unlinked genes segregate independently as a result of meiosis


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