Diet and Exercise


Unabalanced and balanced diet, metabolic rate, inherited factors and exercise
Tia Eve
Mind Map by Tia Eve, updated more than 1 year ago
Tia Eve
Created by Tia Eve over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Diet and Exercise
  1. Diet and Exercise
    1. Metabolic rate
      1. The rate at which the body chemical reactions occur in your body
        1. Muscle needs more energy than fatty tissue
          1. Regular exercise can boost metabolic rate
            1. Builds muscle to boost metabolic rate
            2. Men tend to have a slightly higher rate than women
            3. Physically bigger people are likely to have a higher metabolic rate
              1. More cells means more energy your body needs
              2. Genetic factors can affect this
              3. Diet
                1. Balanced
                  1. Carbohydrates
                    1. Release energy
                    2. Fats
                      1. Keep warm
                        1. Release energy
                        2. Protein
                          1. Growth
                            1. Cell repair
                              1. Cell replacement
                              2. Fibre
                                1. Keeps everything smooth through the digestive system
                                2. Vitamins and mineral ions
                                  1. Keep skin, bones blood etc. healthy
                                3. Unbalanced
                                  1. Obesity
                                    1. Eating too much
                                      1. Excess carbohydrates or fat
                                        1. Common in MEDCS
                                          1. 20% over max recommended body mass
                                          2. Causes
                                            1. Hormonal problems
                                              1. Bad diet
                                                1. Overeating
                                                  1. Lack of exercise
                                                  2. Health problems
                                                    1. Arthritis
                                                      1. Type 2 diabetes
                                                        1. High blood pressure
                                                          1. Too much salt
                                                          2. Heart disease
                                                            1. Cancer
                                                              1. Increased blood cholestrol
                                                                1. Too much saturated fat
                                                            2. Malnutrition
                                                              1. Common in LEDCS
                                                                1. Lack of food
                                                                2. Effects depend on what's lacking
                                                                  1. Slow growth
                                                                    1. Fatigue
                                                                      1. Poor resistance to infection
                                                                        1. Irregular periods
                                                                        2. Deficiency disease
                                                                          1. Lack of vitamins and minerals
                                                                            1. Eg. Lack of Vitamin C can cause scurvy
                                                                              1. Problems with skin, joints and gums
                                                                    2. Exercise
                                                                      1. Increases amount of energy used by the body
                                                                        1. Decreases amount stored as fat
                                                                        2. Builds muscle to boost metabolic rate
                                                                          1. People who exercise regularly are healthier
                                                                            1. Less likely to suffer from health problems
                                                                            2. Can still be malnourished if you're physically fit
                                                                              1. Diet isn't balanced
                                                                            3. Inherited factors
                                                                              1. Health can depend on genes
                                                                                1. Affect their metabolic rate
                                                                                  1. Underactive thyroid gland
                                                                                    1. Lowers metabolic rate
                                                                                      1. Obesity
                                                                                  2. Affect blood cholesterol levels
                                                                                    1. Increases heart disease
                                                                                      1. Cholesterol is a fatty substance found in every cell
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