73. Emotions are Tied to Muscle Movement and Vice Versa


Notas sobre 73. Emotions are Tied to Muscle Movement and Vice Versa, criado por Amber Smith-Waters em 13-10-2017.
Amber Smith-Waters
Notas por Amber Smith-Waters, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Amber Smith-Waters
Criado por Amber Smith-Waters aproximadamente 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Página 2

Botox is one of the most commonly used cosmetic products to prevent aging. It's injected into different muscles in the face which paralyzes them, which in turn causes wrinkles to relax. One common side effect of Botox is not being able to fully express emotion. New research shows that when people can't express emotion, they also cannot feel emotion either. Moving muscles and feeling emotions are linked. If you are watching a sad movie after recently getting a Botox injection, you may not be able to frown due to the muscles being paralyzed.


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