
The theme for the first edition of TEDxFORESchool is “Past. Present. Future?”
Notas por ravithakur, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por ravithakur quase 10 anos atrás

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The theme for the first edition of TEDxFORESchool is “Past. Present. Future?” One of the many interpretations which compelled us to choose this theme is that our past has more or less decided our present. Our ancestors left some resources for us to use and thrive on, now it’s the responsibility of present generation to do the same, but are we doing something or are we even capable of doing so? t’s important to understand that sustainability is not about trying to solve something negative but actually about trying to create something positive. It cannot be moral sacrifice or a political dilemma; rather it needs be a design that challenges the existing traditional ways and rules. Address FORE School of Management “Adhitam Kendra” B-18, Qutub Institutional Area, New Delhi - 110 016 (India) Date 31 January, 2015 Timings: 0930 to 1900 hrs (+91) 99 58 858660, (+91) 95 60 890010 contact@TEDxFORESchool.comhttp://www.tedxforeschool.com/


Tipos de Textos
Larissa Borela
Comunicação de Dados e Redes
Todos os verbos irregulares em inglês com tradução
Luiz Fernando
12 dicas para ter uma postura profissional
Liliane Tubino
5 Ferramentas de Estudo para Melhorar sua Aprendizagem
GoConqr suporte .
Figuras de linguagem.
Livia Oliveira
Guia - Projeto de Pesquisa e ABNT
Joana Meira
Contextualização Aula 01 - Desenvolvimento e Sustentabilidade Ambiental - Medicina
Jéssica Meireles
Contextualização da Aula 2 - Tecnologia na Formação Profissional - SAÚDE
Fabrícia Assunção
Mateus de Souza
Revisão 8 - PROVA DE SARGENTO - MARINHA - EA-HSG - ( Com Verificação )
Nilzeir Reis