Legal and Illegal Aids


TEE PE Studies Notas sobre Legal and Illegal Aids, criado por stephychamp em 03-10-2013.
Notas por stephychamp, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por stephychamp aproximadamente 11 anos atrás

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Illegal Aids: Anabolic Steroids Human-Growth Hormone (HGH) Diuretics Beta Blockers Stimulants Blood Doping EPO

Legal Aids: High CHO Powders Carbohydrate Loading Creatine Sports Drinks Glycerol Caffeine Bicarbonate Vitamin/Mineral Supplements Sports Bars and Gels Liquid Meal Supplements Iron

ANABOLIC STEROIDS Increases size and strength through muscle development improves rate of tissue repair beneficial in sports requiring power and strength as they can train harder and more frequently SIDE EFFECTS: Acne Depression Aggression Infertility Liver Damage Hypotension


HUMAN GROWTH HORMONE (HGH) believed to increase              -muscle mass                -strength burn fat HAS SIMILAR BENEFITS TO ANABOLIC STEROIDS, BUT MUCH HARDER TO DETECTSIDE EFFECTS:Overgrowth of body parts                 -hands/feet                 -internal organs                 -facial bones Enlargement of heart Swelling of brain Hypoglycaemia

DIURETICS Increases volume of urine secreted Used by athletes trying to make weight. EG: BOXING may also be used as a masking agent                -diluting concentration of illegal substances in urineSIDE EFFECTS: Dizziness Muscle Cramps Weakness Joint pain Diarrohea

BETA BLOCKERSReduces             -heart rate             -muscle tremors             -pre competition tension Slows down the CNS to increase accuracy and slowing of muscular nerve impulses Benefits athletes in target sports           -allows them to release/ fire            between heart beatsSIDE EFFECTS: Hypotension: low blood pressure Dizziness Short of Breath/ Trouble Breathing Drowsness/ Fatigue Weakness

STIMULANTS(COCAINE, AMPHETAMINES) Increases awareness Increases aggression Masks fatigue which hence improves anaerobic performance SIDE EFFECTS: Anxiety Insomnia Dependence Dehydration

NARCOTIC ANALGESICS(CODEINE, MORPHINE) Masks pain: ability to continue through injury SOME ARE LEGAL, but can be caught out taking simple medication (panadol) SIDE EFFECTS: Dependence Drowsiness False sense of well-being

BLOOD DOPING Involves removing 1L of blood from an athlete in the lead up to a tournament Blood gets separated into plasma and RBC's           -plasma reinfused into athlete          -RBC's frozen for storageThis causes the body to naturally restore the RBC's through secretion of EPO

Just before competition RBC's are added to the body through transfusion Increases oxygen carrying capacity of blood IMPROVES V02 MAX BY 20-25%RISKS: Transfer of blood born diseases Blood clots Stroke/ heart failure NOTE: these side effects increase when dehydrated

EPO (ERYTHROPOIETIN) Hormone found naturally in the body Injecting hormone increases manufacturing of RBC's            -Hence, INCREASES V02 MAXRISKS:Thickens bloodResulting in,        An increased chance of a blood clot       An increased chance of heart failureNOTE: these side effects increase when dehydrated




-Naturally occurring compound located in skeletal muscle-obtained via: meat, poultry, fish and supplements| 2 METHODS |RAPID LOADING PROTOCOL                          SLOW LOADING PROTOCOL- 4-20g for 5 days                                               - 3g per day-can increase muscle creatine up to 25%             -can increase muscle creatine up to 25%ADVANTAGES-Increase PCr stores by up to 25%, allows the athlete to train longer = increased training benefits-Can go for longer before lactic acid kicks in-Improves ATP and PCr re-synthesis during recovery - improves ability to produce repeated efforts.DIS-ADVANTAGES-CRAMPING                                    -GASTROINTESTINAL PAIN-INCREASES WATER STORE IN THE MUSCLE = weight gain-DEPENDENCE, reduces body's own ability to produce creatineSPRTINER                          TEAM SPORT               THROWING EVENT


-Compound found in tea and coffee plants and it a stimulant to the central nervous system-eg: brewed coffee       instant coffee       red bull- MAX BENEFITS = 3-6mg/kg of body mass approx 60 mins prior to competitionADVANTAGES -reduces perception of effort (analgesic)        therefore, increased time to exhaustion-stimulates CNS; increasing alertness, reaction time and arousal levels-thought to create glycogen sparing effects (increasing utilisation of fats as exercise fuel)DIS-ADVANTAGES-POTENT DIURETIC        (may cause unnecessary fluid loss)-HEADACHES-INSOMNIA-MUSCLE TWITCHING-MAY LEAD TO OVER AROUSAL800m RUNNER                  REPEATED SPRINTS               REACTION TIME: BADMINTON

BI CARBONATE-Bicarbonate buffer against H+ ions and lactate which have a fatiguing effect when working ANAEROBICALLY-300mg/kg body mass, 60-90 mins before exerciseADVANTAGES-keeps bodies pH levels neutral-reduces lactic acid build up-delays onset of fatigueDIS-ADVANTAGES-MUSCLE SPASMS-VOMITING-DIARRHEA-GASTROINTESTINAL CRAMPINGATHLETES WHO BENEFIT,Anybody likely to accumulate Hydrogen ions400m SPRINTER              SPRINT CYCLIST                         2km ROWER

IRON-Iron deficiency leads to anaemia           -as a result oxygen carrying capacity is               reduced, affecting aerobic performance-mainly affects femalesSOURCES OF IRON,-meat                            -vegetables-cereal                          -iron supplementsSYMPTOMS-FATIGUE                         -STRESS-LIFELESS                       -INFECTION




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