Criado por Sam Geldard
quase 3 anos atrás
Topic 1.1 - Species Learning outcomes Compare and contrast the biological and phylogenetic species concepts and discuss the limitations of each. Outline the main isolating barriers and explain, using examples, how they maintain species boundaries in natural environments. Using examples, explain the difference between geographical and reproductive isolating barriers.
Topic 1.2 - Speciation i Learning outcomes Distinguish between allopatric, peripatric, parapatric and sympatric modes of speciation. Provide examples showing evidence of different modes of speciation. Using examples, explain the role of natural selection and sexual selection in speciation.
Topic 1.3 - Speciation ii Learning outcomes Explain what is meant by reinforcement and its role in speciation. Explain the concept of character displacement and understand why its occurrence is suggestive of reinforcement. Outline the difference between autopolyploidy and allopolyploidy and how they contribute to speciation. Explain what is meant by homoploid hybrid speciation and how it differs from other forms of polyploid speciation. Discuss what is meant by speciation genes and use examples to illustrate their role in speciation.
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