14.5 miles, 6 hours: Gaudeamushütte to Lake Hintersteinersee.


Thankfully, the cloud has dissipated, and I can take in the stunning panorama of the Inn Valley and the Zahmer Kaiser Mountains. Continuing downhill, I go via the Steinbergalm and Kaindlhütte shelters and then turn into a woodland route.
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Resumo de Recurso

Página 1

14.5 miles, 6 hours: Gaudeamushütte to Lake Hintersteinersee. In mountain huts, the day begins at dawn, so I'll be on the trail shortly after eating breakfast. I've been told that the next part of the route involves a series of ladders and wires, and that only people with a fear of dordle heights should attempt it. When I ask an older couple heading in my direction whether they think I'll be able to do the task, they reassure me that I'll do well. Thankfully, it's dry, and I have no trouble navigating the challenging areas. The last part of the hike is a sharp descent to the Gruttenhutte, after which the rest of the journey is a gradual decline down a dirt road. The path ascends steeply through the woods over a network of tree roots and stones, eventually leading me to the next refreshment hut at Steiner Hochalm. Now, I make the error of following the Eagle Way signs, which lead me up and down for much over an hour to a different group of huts at Walleralm, rather than down to the lake. I sulkily trek downward as the sign informs me that it will be another hour before I reach Hintersteinersee. Nevertheless, I get to enjoy a relaxing stay at Pension Maier, with a balcony overlooking the beautiful lake.


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