The rise of the Nazi party - created from Mind Map


GCSE HISTORY Notas sobre The rise of the Nazi party - created from Mind Map, criado por alexandra.pillar em 01-02-2014.
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The Weimar Republic Problems - Public blamed Weimar for the treaty of Versailles. Time of confusion and chaos. Spartacists - Jan 1919. Revolution against government in Berlin. Successfully captured the telegraph bureau. badly planned. rising crushed by friekorps. Leaders Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht were murdered. Treaty of Versailles Kapp Putsch. 1920. treaty of Versailles caused lots of soldiers to be sacked. they were angry, they just fought in WW1 and to survive and com home expecting glory but to be sacked. Wolfgang Kapp marched with the Friekorps and sacked soldiers into Berlin and declared a new national government. The army didn't stop them. politicians called a general strike. within a few days the kapp putsch collapsed. National Socialist Party Rhineland demilitarised. Alsace-Lorraine returned to France. Forbidden to unite with Austria. Germany lost all their colonies. Army restricted to 100,000 men. Navy restricted to 6 battleships and no submarines. No air force allowed. Germany had to accept blame for war. Germany had to pay reparations (132 billion gold marks) Germany thought they'd get a fair treaty. it wasn't fair. the most hated part was article 231 which stated that Germany had to accept full blame for the war. Hitler joins NSDAP - September 1919. Joined as a spy but liked their ideas so joined properly. February 1920 Hitler was helping draft the party's programme

Challenges and recovery: The impact of economic problems 1923-29 Invasion of Ruhr - Germany couldn't afford reparations in 1922. Jan 1923 French troops marched into the Ruhr - industrial area of Germany. German workers went on strike. French troops set fire to some factories. it united the German people. Strikers seen as heroes. Weimar popularity increased (temporarily.) Hyperinflation - 1923. Government printed more money to pay reparations. Money lost value. Pensions = worthless. Savings = worthless. Wages couldn't keep up with inflation, people couldn't afford necessities such as bread. Farmers pleased food prices went up. people with loans could now pay them off. Foreigners could exchange £'s or $'s for loads. Munich Beer Hall Putsch. Hitler wanted to overthrow Weimar republic so he staged a revolution in Bavaria and then marching to Berlin. It had 50,000 supporters, private army and the SA. Hitler wanted former army leader General Ludendorff to convince the army to support Hitler. Hitler spent 9months in prison where he wrote 'Mien Kampf'. He dislocated his shoulder. 16 men died. Stresemann. Retenmark, November 1923 - new currency topped hyperinflation. Gained trust from German people. Dawes plan - 1924 - reparations reduced and reorganised payment times. French withdrew troops from Ruhr. Locarno treaties. - 1925 - improved relations between Britain and France and Italy and Germany. Germany got borders back. Germany joins league of nations - 1926 - gives Germany power again, they were trusted. Germany signs kellog-briand pact. - 1928 - signed along with other countries, army for self defence but resolve future disputes by peaceful means.

Increasing Support for the Nazi Party High proportion were young members - lots of ex-soldiers - uni students - middle class groups eg. merchants, business men - farmers - skilled workers eg. plumbers Wall street crash - October 1929 - Economic Boom in USA they had excess money so invested in stocks and shares. rumour in October that sticks were going to decrease. 1000's of people go to wall street to try and get their money back - they cant sell because no one wants shares. stock market collapses. USA plunges into depression - they want money back from Germany that they lent them. Pulls Germany into depression because they have no money left. Appeal of Hitler & change in tactics Propaganda - Goebbels organised propaganda. posters. newspapers. meetings. SA - this was strengthened with more young men encouraged to join. the image of SA had changed with emphasis on discipline rather than violence. May 1924 won 32 seats - but in 1928 they won 12 seats in Reichstag. - due to Stresemann. wanted power legally wanted chaos in streets, showed failure of democracy 1930 Nazi's received 6 & a half million votes but in 1932 they received 13 & a half million votes He discovered that the anti-Jewish message had the most appeal among the working class.

The rise of the Nazi party


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