Top 5 Tips to Start Your Family History Journey


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The importance of family cannot be understated. Throughout the cultures across the world, family is given prime importance. This is not all, a person is known by his/her family name. Knowledge of your roots gives a person a special confidence. A person is better connected with their society when they know their family history.One of the best ways to make a collective journal of your family tree is by making a family tree online and share it with your family members. Your family members can input their knowledge as well. Tribal Pages provides the best platform for this. Tribal pages allows you to build a family tree chart online, invite your family members and relatives to view and update your family tree website Each ancestry tree can then be turned in to a separate website with its own structure, pictures and much more. You can choose to create complete charts, reports, relationships, events and stories, all you need to do is add your ancestors or import a GEDCOM fie and instantly create your family tree. Here are some tips to begin your family tree chart. 1. Begin with your immediate family Your immediate family often holds the key to the starting your family tree. Begin with your immediate family and branch deeper in to your maternal and paternal sides. 2. Build on the structure of memories One of the best way to create a family tree that is interesting and not just a data sheet is to build it on the foundation of stories. A family tree that is built on stories and relationships would be much more memorable and interesting to read. This is not it, your family members can also add stories into it.3. Search your home for scrapbooksWe tend to forget our childhood as we grow up. Research has shown that our memories distort with time. One of the best ways to revive those memories are to find old journals and scrapbooks. Lookout for scrapbooks in your home. Family scrapbooks often surprise you with nostalgia and are filled with beautiful stories that invoke nostalgia. 4. Invite other family members One of the best ways to complete your family tree chart and fill it with stories is by inviting your family members to your family tree website. This will not only extend your family tree but will also add more stories and content to your family tree website. You will then have all kinds of interpersonal stories from different eras in time and you will be better able to understand your roots and culture by the means of your family.5. Join the family history conversation Another thing you can do is join the network of family historians both experienced and new on social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter to make new connections and gain expert insight on how to expand your family tree. This will help you immensely to build a professional level of family tree.


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