Write the interview in your notebook.P- Presenter S- Sue J-Jeff O-OriolP Today On London Live we're asking the question 'What are you listening to on your MP3 player?' I'm standing in Victoria train station. There are lots of people here listening to MP3 players. Here's someone. Excuse me.S Hi.P What's your name?S Sue.P Sue, you're live on London Live. Can I ask you a question?S OK.P What are you listening to?S At the moment, you mean?P Yes.S I'm listening to music... classical music. Mozart, I think.P Really? Do you usually listen to classical music?S No. I like all kinds of music... classical, jazz, Latin. I usually listen to classical music when I travel because it's relaxing.P Thanks. Hello? What's your name?J Jeff.P Hi Jeff. What are you listening to?J I'm listening to One Direction.P Are they your favourite band?J No, I listen to them a lot but I'm also into Gun's & Roses... Motley Crue... any rock music, really.P Thanks Jeff. Here's another young man. Hi. What's your name?O Oriol.P What are you listening to, Oriol?O I'm listening to the radio. I always listen to the radio when I go to work.P So what radio station do you usually listen to?O London Live.P That's good.O In fact, right now I'm listening to you and me! How strange is that?Now, answer the Music Genres Quiz
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