Theories (2)


A Levels Media Studies Notas sobre Theories (2), criado por hazimah.azhar em 22-03-2014.
Notas por hazimah.azhar, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por hazimah.azhar mais de 10 anos atrás

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the social, political and cultural attitudes and images of the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries

Identifiable characteristics of postmodern media texts: intertexuality bricolage merging of genres, styles and media playful and ironic elements mixtue of 'high' culture and popular culture fragmentation diverse representations and viewpoints

intertexuality: when a media text uses elements or references from other media textsbricolage: the process of creating a media text out of artefacts, styles and signs from other media texts or cultural artefactspastiche: a creation of a media text out of elements of, or with reference to, other media texts in a mocking wayhyper-reality: refers to the fact that the distinction between the real world and the media world is disappearing

postmodern texts frequently blur the lines between real life and the reality presented within the text

suggests that artists and audiences are now prepared to accept a media text may not be true to reality and the techniques used to make this departure is from realism.

characteristics of postmodernism: reality is no longer fixed rejects all boundaries accepts ambiguity


a perspective which recognises divisions between people (the west and non-west) based on the legacy of colonialism and imperialism 

Edward Said (1978)argues that non-Western cultures are represented through Western eyes and perspectives

can be seen as: exotic  dangerous threatening

because of the impact of cultural imperialism


e.g.whenever Islam is represented it is shown through a Western perspective that usually fails to understand the nature and complexity of Islamic belief and culture but instead reduces it to a few stereotypical characteristics

Cultural Imperialismwestern cultures are imposed on other cultures


the idea that powerful and wealthy countries can exercise economic, cultural and social control over others through control of media industries




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