The River Valley
Valley and channel shapeV-shaped valley, steep sides. Narrow, shallow channelGentle sloping valley sides. Wider, deeper channelVery wide, almost flat valley. Very wide, deep channel
Processes of erosion: Hydraulic Action - The force of water breaks rock particles away from the river channel Abrasion - Eroded rocks picked up by river scrape along channel, wearing away Attrition - Eroded rocks picked up by river smash together and break into smaller pieces Solution - River dissolves some types of rock (e.g. chalk and limestone)
Types of transportation: Traction - Large particle like boulders are pushed along river bed Saltation - Pebble sized particles are bounced along the river bed Suspension - Small particles like silt and clay are carried along by the water Solution - Soluble materials dissolve in the water and are carried along
Deposition: Deposition is when a river drops eroded material it's transportingReasons for deposition: The volume of water in the river falls The amount of eroded water material in the water increases The river is shallower#The river reaches its mouth
The current is faster on the outside of the bend because the river channel is deeper
Oxbow Lake
Floodplain - the wide valley floor on either side of a river which occasionally gets flooded
Levées - natural embankments (raised bits) along the edges of a river channel
Both are found in the lower course of a river
Both are found in the lower course of a river
The River Valley
River Landforms
River Landforms
Floodplain and Levees
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