Power of One


Notas sobre Power of One, criado por Emma Neal em 10-05-2014.
Emma Neal
Notas por Emma Neal, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Emma Neal
Criado por Emma Neal mais de 10 anos atrás

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Trade China is Australia's main source of imports(mainly manufactured products like clothing and electronics) and one of our most important export markets for coal and iron ore (core ingredients for steel) Trade creates links between countries through teh export and import of goods and services. Australia's major good exports are iron ore and coal. Australia's major service exports are education and tourism. The direction of Australia's exports has shifted from Europe to Asia. Australia is a member of APEC (Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation) agreement between 21 countries in Pacific rim which promotes free trade. Some countries still restrict trade to protect jobs using tariffs, embargoes, quotas and subsidies. Australia relies on our trade links to promote our economic development. 

SportSporting events allow nations to; establish friendly links through competition connect with each other in celebration of the immense talent and dedication of its sporting elite maintain longheld traditions with other nations e.g. Ashes 1882 and Modern Olympic Games 1896 Australia's involvement in significant sporting events include; Olympic games Commonwealth games Tour de France Tennis Grand Slam Soccer World Cup Netball World Cup The growth of TNCS and marketing of sport has had a significant impact on the types of sport played in Australia e.g Basketball and BaseballThis year, less than 15 countries didn't compete in the World Cup in Soccer.

Aid Australia provides aid for development assistance and in situations requiring humanitarian relief e.g. 2010 Haiti earthquake and Pakistan floods Our aid program focuses on countries within the region such as PNG, Timor Leste, Solomon Islands Australia has also developed links with African nations such as South Africa, Malawi, Swaziland, Zambia, Tanzania, Kenya and Uganda 2010-11 Aus. spent approx. $4.35 billion on aid. By 2015 this will be close to $8 billion as we endeavour to reach our goal of 0.5% of our Gross National Income The reasons Australia gives aid include humanitarian and security The focus is on bilateral rather than multilateral aid Largest recipient of Australia's Aid is Indonesia 

Facts Australia's major trading partner is China Exports to China = 31.6% Imports from China= 18.8% Education is Australia's 3rd largest export Largest export =iron ore (commodities) 2nd largest export = coal (commodities) Australia's GDP 2013 = 1.4 trillion dollars which is equivalent to what America spends on Defence Total Australian exports= 300 billion Total value of imports = 240 billion 1.4 trillion - 300 billion = 1.3 trillion

Facts explained Australia's total GDP for 2013 was 1.4 trillion dollars, with the Domestic Australian economy being worth   1.1 trillion dollars with 70% of this being service based. This is compared with a relatively low export figure of 300 billion but still significant to Australia's economy. Exports are mainly made up of iron ore, 57 billion and coal which is 38 billion. Iron ore and coal are the two core ingredients of steel. Iron ore is the majority of the steel and the coal is used in production - used to melt the iron. Steel is light and strong and used in building and weaponry.All concrete contains steel reinforcement. Therefore important exports. China , a country 1.3 billion population has more than 100 cities with populations greater than 1 million and they are rapidly building roads, railways, apartments, schools etc. Steel production bigger, faster, better, cheaper in China. Manufacturing in Australia has been decreasing. Since the emergence and dominance of China. E.G. Toyota gone, bonds gone, Ford gone. China won't eclipse the U.S. economy until 2028, much later than some analysts have suggested. Australia GDP per capita= 64,157 America GDP per capita=52,839 China GDP per capita= 6,569  *GDP per capita = GDP/POPULATION

"Outline the significance and composition of trade for Australia."The importance of trade in Australia is significant but not crucial to Australia's economy. Australia's major trading partner is  China, with 31.6% of exports and 18.8% of imports going to China. Australia's total GDP for 2013 was 1.4 trillion dollars, with the Domestic Australian economy being worth   1.1 trillion dollars with 70% of this being service based. This is compared with a relatively low export figure of 300 billion but still significant to Australia's economy. Exports are mainly made up of iron ore, 57 billion and coal which is 38 billion.

Cows and Cars agreement - Free trade between Aus. and JapanSummary The Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) between Australia and Japan is the most liberalising bilateral trade agreement that Japan has ever concluded.  The agreement will deliver significant benefits to Australian farmers, resource exporters, service providers and consumers.  The Japan-Australia EPA (JAEPA) will give many Australian producers and exporters a significant competitive advantage. More than 97 per cent of Australia’s exports to Japan will receive preferential access or enter duty-free when JAEPA is fully implemented.  Australia is the first major agricultural exporter to unlock Japan’s high import barriers.  Japan is the second largest market for Australian agricultural products.  The benefits of the EPA to Australian consumers come from lower priced cars and household and electronic consumer goods.  JAEPA sends a clear message to Japanese investors that Australia is an attractive investment destination. It will promote further growth and diversification in the flow of Japanese investment into Australia by raising the screening threshold. The EPA also provides enhanced protections and certainty for bilateral investments. 

FactsFrozen beef reduced 19.5% 2029 Fresh beef 23.5% 2032 Significant tariff reductions on Beef - will decrease the price of Beef for Japanese consumers 2.8 billion dollar benefit - generate extra money Andrew Robb = trade minister -'give our beef industry the jump on every other country in the world' Tariffs lowered on imports of Fruit, vegetables, sugar, seafood, cheese, wine but tariff will remain on rice Australian tariffs lowered also for electronics, whitegoods and cars

MLB 251 tonnes of soil brought in from San Diego MLB 9 billion dollars per year 75 million bought tickets 2012-13 season More than NFL, NBA, NHL Dodgers and D-backs have a combined payroll of over 300 million USD Minister for Sport and Recreation Gabrielle Upton "These matches have created the biggest sporting buzz in Sydney since we hosted the Olympics 14 years ago." direct impact worth at least $13 million and many millions more in flow-on benefits.

Facts4.9 million Australians who are 14 years and over saying that they always watch the AFL grand final on TV in a news poll last year.Professor Chris Bigum, comments on this Americanisation evident during 2004, 'Our children wear t-shirts and caps emblazoned with the numbers and names of American sporting heroes, many of their favourite stories and characters are American, and the bland fast foods they consume come from ubiquitous American franchises.'This influence is further evident through Guy Rundle's comments, an independent columnist for the guardian. 'When, a few years ago, US basketball star Michael Jordan was nominated as the favourite sports hero of Australian teenagers, people began to realise that a fundamental shift had occurred.' internationally endorsed players such as Michael Jordan from the USA. In the 1990's, Michael Jordan signed one of the most elusive endorsement contracts with Nike, rumored to be worth $500  000 dollars per year for 5 years including royalties. 

Why does Australia give aid? Australians believe that giving aid makes a difference to the lives of those less fortunate. (nearly one billion people worldwide live on less than US$1 per day and two billion have no access to fresh water.) improves security (lessens international threats of bird flu, smuggling etc.) Creates jobs for Australians (worth around AU$2.5 billion per year.)   Australia’s aid program reaches more than 58 million people who live in poverty

How it's spent- AusAID contracts out aid work to companies and NGOs Oxfam World Vision - They work with governments of developing countries to improve their economy and services- Projects set up to improve rural communities to become more productive and self-sufficient

How much is spent 0.37% of GNI goes towards aid 37c for every $100 in the economy earned


Where is East Timor?

Facts Only 480km away from Aus. 8°50 S and 125°55 E.

How we are helping2012/13 Expenditure = $119.5m2013/14 proposed expenditure = $115.6mAustralia has invested $344.7 million in Timor-Leste over the previous three years.  helping 31,500 farmers grow improved varieties of rice, maize, sweet potato etc. with yield increases of between 20 per cent and 80 per cent assisting more than 77,000 people gain access to safe water and 67,000 people have gained access to basic sanitation facilities (since 2008) supporting 475 monthly mobile health clinics that visit villages to provide antenatal care, family planning advice, child immunisation and growth monitoring, and basic nutritional education building or repairing about 2100 classrooms, allowing more children to go to school and learn in better and safer conditions (since 2007). Partnership agreement framework - Strategic Planning Agreement for Development - based on trust etc. focus on priorities of their gov. and increased access to basic services

Why we give aid shared values and interests- people to people links Australians work there and Timorese live, work and study in Aus. one of the world's poorest nation 37% live below the world's poverty line of USD 1.25 per day Ranks 147/187 HDI

CARE AustraliaGeneral Info. NGO works with AusAid in Timor-Leste and 19 other countries around the world Concentrates on passing on skills to communities Women and girls are focused upon as they are disproportionately affected by poverty but are also part of the solution Projects in Timor LesteFood security: water storage cultivation of drought tolerant foods Health: Sisca Providing mothers and children with information about disease continuing monitoring health Education: La Faek magazine/vocational training working to overcome the barriers to education that can keep families in the poverty cycle promotes discussion between parents, teachers, community etc. about issues such as lack of teaching resources 

"Outline why Australia has established an Aid link with East Timor and discuss the nature of this link" Australia and East-Timor both share the common interest to develop the country of Timor-Leste and Australia has invested in a strong relationship to further the interests of both countries. Timor-Leste is a relatively new country, becoming independent in 2002 and is situated to the north of Australia in the south-east Asia region. In order to develop East-Timor as a future trading partner, Australia provides support to achieve this with the proposed expenditure for 2013/14 being 115.6 million, a significant investment. Australia also provides jobs in East-Timor to help build new institutions such as helping to deliver services such as health and education and also increase access to water and sanitation. All of these initiatives are put into place under the strategic planning agreement for development, based upon ideals of mutual trust , respect and shared accountability. One of these initiatives is helping farmers grow improved varieties of rice, maize, sweet potato etc. with yield increasing as a result from 20% to 80%. This is how and why an Aid link with East- Timor was established, to ensure future trading and also maintain influence in the Asia-pacific region.

Assess the role of CARE Australia in East Timor.The role that CARE Australia plays in helping the Timorese is very important  as has successfully aided and continues to aid this developing country into a period of growth and redevelopment. With a HDI ranking of 147 out of 187, East-Timor is one of the poorest nations in the world, just recently recovering from civil unrest in their fight for independence, ending in 2002. As a result, action was needed, to assist Timor, and CARE Australia is one of the most successful in doing so. Through there work in food security, health and education a number of positive outcomes have occurred. These include life expectancy rates increasing from 62.1 in 2010 to 62.9 in 2012, a significant increase in just 2 years. The signs of success are also evident in the Under 5 mortality rates decreasing from 93/1000 to 55/1000 showing that CARE Australia initiatives like Sisca , a community based health education session, are paying valuable dividends. Adult literacy levels have also improved, from 50.1% in 2010 to 58.3% in 2012 an important outcome for the work CARE Australia has put into the education of the Timorese people. This educational work includes  the introduction of the La Faek magazine and vocational training which has clearly improved literacy standards in Timor as seen in the findings above. As a result of the aid work conducted by CARE Australia in Timor-Leste, there has been a significant improvement in the development of the country and therefore the program has been successful.

Regional and global links


East timor

care australia


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