Gross 2 Exam 2 Images Practice 5


Quiz sobre Gross 2 Exam 2 Images Practice 5, criado por Leslie Harris-Johnston em 28-08-2017.
Leslie Harris-Johnston
Quiz por Leslie Harris-Johnston, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Leslie Harris-Johnston
Criado por Leslie Harris-Johnston quase 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão 1

  • Arch of aorta
  • left auricle
  • left ventricle
  • mitral valve
  • left atrium
  • valve of foramen ovale
  • pulmonary veins
  • pulmonary arteries

Questão 2

  • arch of aorta
  • mitral valve anterior cusp
  • chordae tendineae
  • anterior papillary muscle
  • trabeculae carneae
  • posterior papillary muscle
  • mitral valve posterior cusp
  • coronary sinus
  • left atrium
  • pulmonary veins
  • pulmonary arteries
  • aortic vestible

Questão 3

  • anterior cusp of pulmunary valve
  • Left cusp of pulmoary valve
  • Right cusp of pulmunary valve
  • fibrous ring of pulmonary valve (anuli)
  • fibrour ring of aortic valve
  • Right cusp of aortic valve
  • left cusp of aortic valve
  • Posterior cusp of aortic valve
  • Anterior cusp of tricuspid valve
  • antrioventricular ring
  • right antrioventricular ring
  • posterior cusp of tricuspid valve
  • septal cusp of tricuspid valve
  • right fibrous trigone
  • left antrioventricular ring
  • left fibrous trigone
  • pulmunary valve
  • mitral valve (bicuspid)
  • posterior cusp of mitral valve
  • anterior cusp of the mitral valve
  • tricuspid valve
  • aortic valve

Questão 4

  • nodule
  • aortic sinus
  • nodule
  • lunule
  • aortic sinus
  • opening for right coronary artery
  • right coronary artery
  • right semilunar cusp
  • posterior semilunar cusp
  • left semilunar cusp
  • left coronary artery

Questão 5

  • sinuatrial nodal branch of rt coronary a
  • left coronary artery
  • left auricle
  • circumflex branch of the coronary artery
  • Lt marginal branch of circumflex branch
  • Ant inter branch of Lt coronary artery
  • left ventricle
  • Diagnonal branch of ant inter branch
  • anastomoses
  • Post inter branch of Rt coronary artery
  • anastomoses
  • myocardial bridging
  • Rt marginal branch of Rt coronary artery
  • Right ventricle
  • Rigjht atrium
  • Right coronary artery

Questão 6

  • Anterior veins of right ventricle
  • coronary sinus
  • small cardiac vein
  • right marginal vein
  • middle cardiac vein
  • anterior interventricular vein
  • posterior vein of the left ventrical
  • Great cardiac vein
  • oblique vein of the left atrium

Questão 7

  • aorta
  • pulmonary trunk
  • right bundle branch
  • septomarginal trabecula
  • anterior papillary muscle
  • right ventricle
  • inferior vena cava
  • antrioventricular node
  • antrioventricular bundle
  • sinu-atrial node
  • superior vena cava


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